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LUZAZUL - Metodologia de criação e gerenciamento de hipermídia para inclusão cultural e formação de público a serviço da AZULEJARIA NO PATRIMÔNIO ARQUITETÔNICO Pelotas / RS

LUZAZUL: creation methodology and management of hypermedia for cultural inclusion and public education in the service of TILES IN THE ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE Pelotas / RS

Nunes, João Fernando Igansi ;


LUZAZUL - Light Blue project is interdisciplinary, curricular action as documentation and conceptual production strategy for theory and practice, focused on heritage as cultural inclusion vector, public training and development of integrated movable manners. It is based especially on hypermedia resource whose central object is the inventory of the TILE IN ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE Pelotas- RS, electronically duplicated and made available on mobile, wireless devices. Exploring the conditions of free software platforms, this initiative invests in building method for the development, agency and updating publishable data into digital language.


LUZAZUL - Light Blue project is interdisciplinary, curricular action as documentation and conceptual production strategy for theory and practice, focused on heritage as cultural inclusion vector, public training and development of integrated movable manners. It is based especially on hypermedia resource whose central object is the inventory of the TILE IN ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE Pelotas- RS, electronically duplicated and made available on mobile, wireless devices. Exploring the conditions of free software platforms, this initiative invests in building method for the development, agency and updating publishable data into digital language.

Palavras-chave: Tile, Hypermedia, Communication, Inclusion, Education,

Palavras-chave: Tile, Hypermedia, Communication, Inclusion, Education,

DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-sp40388

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Como citar:

Nunes, João Fernando Igansi; "LUZAZUL - Metodologia de criação e gerenciamento de hipermídia para inclusão cultural e formação de público a serviço da AZULEJARIA NO PATRIMÔNIO ARQUITETÔNICO Pelotas / RS", p. 780-785 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-6968, ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-sp40388

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