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Pereira, Brenda de Jesus ; Araujo, Andressa Clara Barbosa de ; Barreto, Oliver Silva ; Sntos, Adillys Marcelo da Cunha ; Almeida, Kalil Figueiredo ; Santos, André de Mendonça ; Souza, Nilmar de ; LORA, FABIO ANDRE ; Martins, Luis Oscar Silva ; DAMM, DJOILLE DENNER ;

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Competitiveness between organizations encourages the need to use information as a strategic differentiator, using information systems to assist in decision-making. This scenario also applies to the health sector, especially in private care. In this sense, this study seeks to present the simplified structure of the Information System (SIT, SAD, SIG, and SIE) of an orthopedic clinic, located in the interior of Bahia. The case study resulted in mapping the patient care flow and the input and output elements that make up the information systems. With this, it was possible to understand the process of converting data into useful information and the possibilities of its use for critical situations, decision-making and clinic strategy.

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Competitiveness between organizations encourages the need to use information as a strategic differentiator, using information systems to assist in decision-making. This scenario also applies to the health sector, especially in private care. In this sense, this study seeks to present the simplified structure of the Information System (SIT, SAD, SIG, and SIE) of an orthopedic clinic, located in the interior of Bahia. The case study resulted in mapping the patient care flow and the input and output elements that make up the information systems. With this, it was possible to understand the process of converting data into useful information and the possibilities of its use for critical situations, decision-making and clinic strategy.

Palavras-chave: Information system; strategy; health,

Palavras-chave: Information system; strategy; health,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-391722

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Como citar:

Pereira, Brenda de Jesus; Araujo, Andressa Clara Barbosa de; Barreto, Oliver Silva; Sntos, Adillys Marcelo da Cunha; Almeida, Kalil Figueiredo; Santos, André de Mendonça; Souza, Nilmar de; LORA, FABIO ANDRE; Martins, Luis Oscar Silva; DAMM, DJOILLE DENNER; "MAPPING THE PROCESS FLOW AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR AN ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC", p. 424-431 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-391722

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