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Ferro, Mariza ; Schulze, Bruno ; Mury, Antônio R. ;

Artigo Completo:

Scientic Computing typically requires large computational needs which have been addressed with High Performance Distributed Computing. It is essential to eciently deploy a number of complex scientic applications, which have dierent characteristics, and so require distinct computational resources too. However, in many research laboratories, this high performance architecture is not dedicated. So, the architecture must be shared to execute a set of scientic applications, with so many dierent execution times and relative importance to research. Also, the high performance architectures have dierent characteristics and costs. When a new infrastructure has to be acquired to meet the needs of this scenario, the decision-making is hard and complex. In this work, we present a Gain Function as a model of an utility function, with which it is possible a decisionmaking with condence. With the function is possible to evaluate the best architectural option taking into account aspects of applications and architectures, including the executions time, cost of architecture, the relative importance of each application and also the relative importance of performance and cost on the nal evaluation. This paper presents the Gain Function, examples, and a real case showing their applicabilities.

Artigo Completo:

Scientic Computing typically requires large computational needs which have been addressed with High Performance Distributed Computing. It is essential to eciently deploy a number of complex scientic applications, which have dierent characteristics, and so require distinct computational resources too. However, in many research laboratories, this high performance architecture is not dedicated. So, the architecture must be shared to execute a set of scientic applications, with so many dierent execution times and relative importance to research. Also, the high performance architectures have dierent characteristics and costs. When a new infrastructure has to be acquired to meet the needs of this scenario, the decision-making is hard and complex. In this work, we present a Gain Function as a model of an utility function, with which it is possible a decisionmaking with condence. With the function is possible to evaluate the best architectural option taking into account aspects of applications and architectures, including the executions time, cost of architecture, the relative importance of each application and also the relative importance of performance and cost on the nal evaluation. This paper presents the Gain Function, examples, and a real case showing their applicabilities.

Palavras-chave: Operational Analysis; High Performance Computing; Scientic Computing; Decision Making.,

Palavras-chave: Operational Analysis; High Performance Computing; Scientic Computing; Decision Making.,

DOI: 10.5151/spolm2019-119

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Como citar:

Ferro, Mariza; Schulze, Bruno; Mury, Antônio R.; "METODOLOGIA DE AVALIAÇÃO OPERACIONAL PARA SISTEMAS DE COMPUTAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DISTRIBUIDA DE ALTO DESEMPENHO", p. 1629-1643 . In: Anais do XIX Simpósio de Pesquisa Operacional & Logística da Marinha. São Paulo: Blucher, 2020.
ISSN 2175-6295, DOI 10.5151/spolm2019-119

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