Setembro 2016 vol. 8 num. 2 - The 10th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies
Article - Open Access.
Multiple perspectives in design: World maps and their perspectives
The depiction of the world by means of world maps makes design perspective an issue of cartography. In design issues, world maps have different purposes, such as in the field of in-formation graphics. The geographical centres of conventional world maps are usually de-fined by the Equator that forms the horizontal axis, rather than by the thematically relevant geographical area of the map’s topic. Conventional world maps are commonly used without much thought to the relationship between the map’s theme and its geographical centre. These prevailing conventions are responsible for the specific worldview that emerges from a unique perspective and a unique ideological point of view. This raises the question: what if world maps could be designed with different perspectives? “Mapping World Maps” answers this question by proposing a principle for generating unconventional world maps. Special-purpose software has now been developed ( to generate wholly new varieties of world maps.
Palavras-chave: Visual communication, cartography, generative graphics, world maps, viewpoints,
Palavras-chave: ,
DOI: 10.5151/despro-icdhs2016-03_003
Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:
STIRNEMANN, Julia Mia; "Multiple perspectives in design: World maps and their perspectives", p. 192-197 . In: Wong, Wendy Siuyi; Kikuchi, Yuko & Lin, Tingyi (Eds.). Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History [=ICDHS 2016 – 10th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies].
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/despro-icdhs2016-03_003
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