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Mundos Virtuales y Pantallas

Screens and Virtual Worlds

Iglesias, Rodrigo Martin ;

Artigo Completo:

The paper deals with the problem of the screens and its virtuality in the contemporary world from four analytical and hermeneutical perspectives: A genealogical perspective: The historical approach to the development of screens allows us to outline genealogical networks. An analogical perspective: which transforms the image re-presentation of the real, the production of the Real. A phenomenological perspective: in which our knowledge of reality is conditioned by our perception and this in turn by our senses. And a technological perspective: Outside any metaphor, what unites screens is its operability as a technical device.

Artigo Completo:

The paper deals with the problem of the screens and its virtuality in the contemporary world from four analytical and hermeneutical perspectives: A genealogical perspective: The historical approach to the development of screens allows us to outline genealogical networks. An analogical perspective: which transforms the image re-presentation of the real, the production of the Real. A phenomenological perspective: in which our knowledge of reality is conditioned by our perception and this in turn by our senses. And a technological perspective: Outside any metaphor, what unites screens is its operability as a technical device.

Palavras-chave: Screens, Virtuality, Devices, Media, Interfaces,

Palavras-chave: Screens, Virtuality, Devices, Media, Interfaces,

DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-90270

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Como citar:

Iglesias, Rodrigo Martin; "Mundos Virtuales y Pantallas", p. 465-472 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-6968, ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-90270

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