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Soussa, Márcio Renê Brandão ; Araújo, João Pereira Paulo de ; Alfaya, Iago Santana ; Sarno, Rodrigo Dias ; Fraga, Rafael Athaliba Bomfim ; Lima, Claudia Simões Pinto da Cunha ;

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Civil documents contribute to ensuring the full exercise of citizenship. However, many Brazilians do not have basic documents, such as birth certificate, ID cards, and are unaware of the process for obtaining these documents. From this perspective, educational games have proven to be an important tool for the learning process, by presenting different approaches in a playful and enjoyable way. Therefore, this project presents the development of the game “Nova Ekinata”, with an educational approach to illustrate how to obtain civil documents, such as birth certificates and ID cards. For future work, validation tests are planned with different groups of users and dissemination in school and social environments.

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Civil documents contribute to ensuring the full exercise of citizenship. However, many Brazilians do not have basic documents, such as birth certificate, ID cards, and are unaware of the process for obtaining these documents. From this perspective, educational games have proven to be an important tool for the learning process, by presenting different approaches in a playful and enjoyable way. Therefore, this project presents the development of the game “Nova Ekinata”, with an educational approach to illustrate how to obtain civil documents, such as birth certificates and ID cards. For future work, validation tests are planned with different groups of users and dissemination in school and social environments.

Palavras-chave: Game, Learning, Document, Citizenship,

Palavras-chave: Game, Learning, Document, Citizenship,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-393354

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Como citar:

Soussa, Márcio Renê Brandão; Araújo, João Pereira Paulo de; Alfaya, Iago Santana; Sarno, Rodrigo Dias; Fraga, Rafael Athaliba Bomfim; Lima, Claudia Simões Pinto da Cunha; "“NEW EKINATA” GAME - A PLAYFUL PROPOSAL FOR LEARNING ABOUT CIVIL DOCUMENTATION", p. 1235-1242 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-393354

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