Novembro 2015 vol. 2 num. 3 - XIX Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-americana de Gráfica Digital 2015
Artigo Completo - Open Access.
O Design Thinking como ferramenta colaborativa para o desenvolvimento de cidades humanas e inteligentes em prol do bem comum
Design Thinking as collaborative tool for the development of human and intelligent cities towards the common good
Eleutheriou, Vanessa ; Schreiner, Tatiana ; Fialho, Francisco Antonio Pereira ; Fadel, Luciane ;
Artigo Completo:
A human and intelligent city has as key feature the participation and cooperation of the people in the city life. Considering rationality or collective intelligence one that emerges when a group of individuals works for the common good (commons), this paper aims to observe, with theoretical and conceptual lens, the emergence of the tragedy of the commons during the development of more human and smart cities and how Design Thinking can be introduced as a tool in managing this issue.
Artigo Completo:
A human and intelligent city has as key feature the participation and cooperation of the people in the city life. Considering rationality or collective intelligence one that emerges when a group of individuals works for the common good (commons), this paper aims to observe, with theoretical and conceptual lens, the emergence of the tragedy of the commons during the development of more human and smart cities and how Design Thinking can be introduced as a tool in managing this issue.
Palavras-chave: Design Thinking, Smart Cities, Commons, Cooperation,
Palavras-chave: Design Thinking, Smart Cities, Commons, Cooperation,
DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-20213
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Como citar:
Eleutheriou, Vanessa; Schreiner, Tatiana; Fialho, Francisco Antonio Pereira; Fadel, Luciane; "O Design Thinking como ferramenta colaborativa para o desenvolvimento de cidades humanas e inteligentes em prol do bem comum", p. 51-56 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-20213
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