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O Jogo e o Desenho digitais no Ensino da Educação Patrimonial

Digital Game and Drawing in Heritage Education Teaching

Antiqueira, Renan Leite ; Vizioli, Simone Tanoue ; Antiqueira, Kauê Macedo ;


This Short Paper intends to present the development of a digital game as part of the extension research: “Architectonic heritage, design and education: development of Playful Interactive Systems (educational games in digital media)” and is part of the work fomented by the Research Group (name withheld for submission). It is intended to emphasize the concept of game as a transmitter of culture and knowledge and to discuss the potentiality of digital game as a tool in assimilation of heritage architecture.


This Short Paper intends to present the development of a digital game as part of the extension research: “Architectonic heritage, design and education: development of Playful Interactive Systems (educational games in digital media)” and is part of the work fomented by the Research Group (name withheld for submission). It is intended to emphasize the concept of game as a transmitter of culture and knowledge and to discuss the potentiality of digital game as a tool in assimilation of heritage architecture.

Palavras-chave: Digital Game, Digital Drawing, Heritage Education,

Palavras-chave: Digital Game, Digital Drawing, Heritage Education,

DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-sp100033

Referências bibliográficas
  • [1] Caillois, R. Os jogos e os homens. Lisboa: Cotovia, 1990.
  • [2] Huizinga, J. Homo Ludens: O Jogo como Elemento de Cultura. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2000, 4ºedição.
  • [3] Horta, M. L. P., Grumberg, E. & Monteiro, A. Q. Guia Básico da Educação Patrimonial. Brasília: Instituto do Patrimônio Artístico Nacional, Museu Imperial, 1999.
Como citar:

Antiqueira, Renan Leite; Vizioli, Simone Tanoue; Antiqueira, Kauê Macedo; "O Jogo e o Desenho digitais no Ensino da Educação Patrimonial", p. 815-817 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-6968, ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-sp100033

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