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Optimization of a constructive system of subtractive digital fabrication: Prototypes and tests os fitting system


Paixão Silva Campolongo, Eduardo Luisi ; C. Vincent, Charles ;


Aiming the application of digital fabrication in the production of architectural structures, the experiment described in this work focuses on the constructive system in wood from connections machined in a CNC Router. We aim to reduce costs, machining time, weight and reach structural improvements in the system. This article describes the process of design, fabrication and structural tests adapting the open source constructive system of subtractive digital manufacturing (wikihouse).



Palavras-chave: Wikihouse; Digital fabrication; Wood joints; Experimentation; CNC router,

Palavras-chave: -,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2018-1435

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Como citar:

Paixão Silva Campolongo, Eduardo Luisi; C. Vincent, Charles; "Optimization of a constructive system of subtractive digital fabrication: Prototypes and tests os fitting system", p. 423-433 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2018-1435

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