Setembro 2015 vol. 2 num. 1 - XXIII Simpósio Internacional de Engenharia Automotiva
Artigo Completo - Open Access.
Zottin, Walter ; Yamawaki, Marcio ; Pereira, Marcos Manoel Valverde ;
Artigo Completo:
In the last years, the automotive industries have intensified the use of numerical simulation tools in their developments, reducing the time and costs of projects and optimizing the components performance. However, the use of such tools as a step of product design workflow is not a regular practice due to the extensive computational time and the advanced level of expertise required. With the improvements of computational processing and the enhancement of simulation codes, the time necessary to run a simulation was reduced to minutes or even seconds. So, the most time-consuming activities are the input data processing and the evaluation of the simulation results. Taking this in consideration, the PRIDE code (Piston and Ring Initial Design Evaluation) was developed considering a customized interface for preliminary ring dynamic simulation, supporting pistons and rings initial design proposals. The main advantage of this approach is a higher robustness on pistons and rings initial designs, reducing the loops and interactions until the final design version. This paper presents the organization of the PRIDE code, illustrating results possible to be anticipated during design with this simulation.
Artigo Completo:
Palavras-chave: ,
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DOI: 10.5151/engpro-simea2015-PAP159
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Como citar:
Zottin, Walter; Yamawaki, Marcio; Pereira, Marcos Manoel Valverde; "PISTON AND RING INITIAL DESIGN EVALUATION", p. 260-269 . In: In Anais do XXIII Simpósio Internacional de Engenharia Automotica - SIMEA 2014 [=Blucher Engineering Proceedings]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2015. .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/engpro-simea2015-PAP159
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