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Player’s preferences for characters in educational digital games: a study focusing on children with dyscalculia

Cezarotto, Matheus A. ; Battaiola, André L. ;

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This study focusses on the motivational aspects of children with dyscalculia when interacting with educational digital games. The literature shows that educational digital games have been used by researchers and professionals as an intervention for children with dyscalculia. Literature also demonstrates a limitation in the researches as regards these users experience with games. This study focusses on the game character since there is evidence that this element plays a role in promoting learners’ motivation in educational games. The goal of this study is to verify with children having dyscalculia, their preference regarding the game character and explore how it contributes to increasing the motivational element in the gameplay. The study has made use of two methods: literature review, and experimental game design. The literature review investigates the dramatic game elements. For user verification, this study used the experimental game design. Four Brazilian children with dyscalculia played a math game prototyped for this research. As a result, this study identified a set of player’s preferences regarding the game character. Therefore, it offers valuable methodological information regarding the qualitative data gathering process with children, in the context of games.

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Palavras-chave: Educational games, motivation, user preferences, math learning disabilities,


DOI: 10.5151/9cidi-congic-4.0027

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Como citar:

Cezarotto, Matheus A.; Battaiola, André L.; "Player’s preferences for characters in educational digital games: a study focusing on children with dyscalculia", p. 1523-1533 . In: Anais do 9º CIDI | Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação, edição 2019 e do 9º CONGIC | Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica em Design da Informação. São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/9cidi-congic-4.0027

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