Outubro 2023 vol. 11 num. 4 - 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design
Full paper - Open Access.
Postgraduate Programmes Evolution in Mexico: Perspectives from three regions
Postgraduate Programmes Evolution in Mexico: Perspectives from three regions
Ruano, David Sánchez ; Ampudia, Silvia Verónica Ariza ; Parra, Brenda García ; López, Christian Chávez ; Vilches, Alejandro Briseño ;
Full paper:
Design education and research in Mexico have been advancing and adapting. The European influence in the development of its teaching was particularly evident through the creation of art academies and contact with pioneering institutions that led to the regional development of graduate programs. The importance of the link between design education and professional practice to create a solid academic base for the discipline is notorious depending on the region. In Mexico, progress has been made in research policies, as evidenced by the growth in the number of postgraduate programs in design, however, the slow development of doctoral programs and the dependence on national priorities and assigned limited government budgets is evident. Doctoral programs emphasise theoretical and scientific rigour to promote knowledge production, but there is a deficiency of practical verification in communities and innovation centres. Design education in Mexico aims to achieve a new higher quality profile and international recognition.
Full paper:
Design education and research in Mexico have been advancing and adapting. The European influence in the development of its teaching was particularly evident through the creation of art academies and contact with pioneering institutions that led to the regional development of graduate programs. The importance of the link between design education and professional practice to create a solid academic base for the discipline is notorious depending on the region. In Mexico, progress has been made in research policies, as evidenced by the growth in the number of postgraduate programs in design, however, the slow development of doctoral programs and the dependence on national priorities and assigned limited government budgets is evident. Doctoral programs emphasise theoretical and scientific rigour to promote knowledge production, but there is a deficiency of practical verification in communities and innovation centres. Design education in Mexico aims to achieve a new higher quality profile and international recognition.
Palavras-chave: postgraduate studies, Mexico, regional, development, design,
Palavras-chave: postgraduate studies, Mexico, regional, development, design,
DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-09Sanchez-et-al
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Como citar:
Ruano, David Sánchez; Ampudia, Silvia Verónica Ariza; Parra, Brenda García; López, Christian Chávez; Vilches, Alejandro Briseño; "Postgraduate Programmes Evolution in Mexico: Perspectives from three regions", p. 372-386 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-09Sanchez-et-al
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