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Prototipagem Digital como recurso de ensino: Uma experiência pedagógica de projetos para turmas integradas de design, arquitetura e expressão gráfica

Digital prototyping as a teaching tool: A project-based pedagogical experience for integrated classes of design, architecture and graphic expression

Alessio, Pedro Martins ; Mendes, Letícia Teixeira ; Chicca Junior, Natal ; Duarte, Maria Eduarda Rabelo ;

Artigo Completo:

We present a teaching experiment involving the use of digital prototyping technologies in a pedagogical method inspired on the challenge based learning method. This method is a problem-based-learning improvement relying on the autonomy of the student to identify subjects and problems of their interest instead of solving ready ones presented by teachers. Our study evaluates the use of the method for teaching design and project support tools. The classes took place in the Federal University of Pernambuco with students from different areas as architecture, mechanical engineering and design. The usage of this method leads to rich and creative solutions that could be concretized in the form of prototypes created with rapid prototyping and digital fabrication technologies.

Artigo Completo:

We present a teaching experiment involving the use of digital prototyping technologies in a pedagogical method inspired on the challenge based learning method. This method is a problem-based-learning improvement relying on the autonomy of the student to identify subjects and problems of their interest instead of solving ready ones presented by teachers. Our study evaluates the use of the method for teaching design and project support tools. The classes took place in the Federal University of Pernambuco with students from different areas as architecture, mechanical engineering and design. The usage of this method leads to rich and creative solutions that could be concretized in the form of prototypes created with rapid prototyping and digital fabrication technologies.

Palavras-chave: Problem-Based-Learning, Digital prototyping, teaching methods,

Palavras-chave: Problem-Based-Learning, Digital prototyping, teaching methods,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-035

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Como citar:

Alessio, Pedro Martins; Mendes, Letícia Teixeira; Chicca Junior, Natal; Duarte, Maria Eduarda Rabelo; "Prototipagem Digital como recurso de ensino: Uma experiência pedagógica de projetos para turmas integradas de design, arquitetura e expressão gráfica", p. 219-225 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-035

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