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Referenciais Didáticos de Arquitetura a partir de Gaudí e Gehry: Entre Forças e Fraquezas, Ameaças e Oportunidades

Didactic References of Architecture from Gaudí and Gehry: Between Strengths and Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities

Almeida, Adriane Borda ; Silva, Juçara Nunes da ;

Artigo Completo:

The challenges on the ways of producing and teaching architecture, in the face of new digital technologies, led us to develop guidelines for updating didactic strategies in the area of teaching geometry and graphic representation in architecture courses. In order to do so, it is proposed to use the SWOT matrix as a way to cross-check what is being discussed. To identify the factors of the matrix, in the research environment we identify Opportunities and Threats and, using as examples the works of the Sagrada Familia Temple and the Guggenheim Museum, we identify Strenghts and Weaknesses.

Artigo Completo:

The challenges on the ways of producing and teaching architecture, in the face of new digital technologies, led us to develop guidelines for updating didactic strategies in the area of teaching geometry and graphic representation in architecture courses. In order to do so, it is proposed to use the SWOT matrix as a way to cross-check what is being discussed. To identify the factors of the matrix, in the research environment we identify Opportunities and Threats and, using as examples the works of the Sagrada Familia Temple and the Guggenheim Museum, we identify Strenghts and Weaknesses.

Palavras-chave: Geometry, Design, Technologies of Representation, Didactic Speech,

Palavras-chave: Geometry, Design, Technologies of Representation, Didactic Speech,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-015

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Como citar:

Almeida, Adriane Borda; Silva, Juçara Nunes da; "Referenciais Didáticos de Arquitetura a partir de Gaudí e Gehry: Entre Forças e Fraquezas, Ameaças e Oportunidades", p. 93-100 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-015

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