Dezembro 2016 vol. 3 num. 4 - 1º Encontro da Nacional de Economia Industrial e Inovação
Artigo - Open Access.
SOUZA, Karla Sarmento Gonçalves de ; BRITTO, Jorge Nogueira de Paiva ; CASTILHO, Marta dos Reis ;
Since the 1980s, the auto industry has increasingly fragmented the production across national borders. Latin America has been part of the leading automakers’ global strategy both as a consumer and as a regional producer. In this context, preferential trade agreements have been relevant to reduce costs and to overcome the limitations related to the size of domestic markets. Argentina, Brazil and Mexico are the region’s leading automotive producers and sellers (for both the domestic market and for exports), and their auto industries show a high degree of production integration. However, they products have different destinations. While the Brazilian’s and the Argentinean’s products are destined to regional markets, supported by bilateral agreements under the LAIA, Mexico’s production is exported to the United States, due to geographical proximity and to the dynamism of the trade with the NAFTA market. These evidenced are corroborated by the analysis of the pattern of the auto industry regional trade, which distinguishes intermediate and final goods, as well as by the estimation of intra-industry trade indexes. Imports of intermediate goods are mostly extra LAIA: in Brazil, 85% of these imports are extra-LAIA and in Mexico they correspond to 97%, contrasting to Argentina, where they are is only 48%. On the export side, Mexican exports of intermediate goods are mostly extra-LAIA (98%), contrasting with Brazil (with 34% of exports extra-LAIA) and Argentina (with 18% of exports extra-LAIA) which export focus on the regional market. So, these patterns suggest that while the Mexican trade and, to a lesser extent, the Brazilian trade is more linked to external partners, the Argentina trade is more prominent among partners in the region.
Palavras-chave: Automotive Industry, Production Fragmentation, Production Integration, Trade Agreement, LAIA,
Palavras-chave: ,
DOI: 10.5151/engpro-1enei-073
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Como citar:
SOUZA, Karla Sarmento Gonçalves de; BRITTO, Jorge Nogueira de Paiva; CASTILHO, Marta dos Reis; "REGIONAL PRODUCTIVE INTEGRATION: THE LATIN AMERICAN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY UNDER LAIA AGREEMENTS", p. 1311-1330 . In: Anais do 1º Encontro da Nacional de Economia Industrial e Inovação [=Blucher Engineering Proceedings, v.3 n.4].
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/engpro-1enei-073
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