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Carrião, Renato Lewenthal ; Rozenfeld, Henrique ; Valente, Fredy ;

Artigo Completo:

The Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure of networked objects presents potential to enable new value proposition for PSS offering, due to its ability to intensify and aggregate different levels of intelligence; interaction; and perception of real world events. Furthermore, these levels can be represented by a combination of attributes of design objects. Moreover, the described IoT’s "abilities" have the potential to emulate human actor’s activities that support PSS Operations. However, the behavioral perspective of activities performed by IoT’s design objects, while emulating human behavior must be better understood. Therefore, the objective of this work is to identify requirements in the literature to define a meta-model to represent both PSS´s and IOT´s design objects. This work is based on the Design Research Methodology (DRM), which is used to help to improve the design research process. The partial result so far is represented by the identification of five models in the literature, with different behavioral perspectives and attributes, able to represent the initial requirements to compose a meta-model of a PSS that comprises IoT solutions. Next steps will be to analyze, merge and consolidate the final set of behavioral perspectives and attributes.

Artigo Completo:

The Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure of networked objects presents potential to enable new value proposition for PSS offering, due to its ability to intensify and aggregate different levels of intelligence; interaction; and perception of real world events. Furthermore, these levels can be represented by a combination of attributes of design objects. Moreover, the described IoT’s "abilities" have the potential to emulate human actor’s activities that support PSS Operations. However, the behavioral perspective of activities performed by IoT’s design objects, while emulating human behavior must be better understood. Therefore, the objective of this work is to identify requirements in the literature to define a meta-model to represent both PSS´s and IOT´s design objects. This work is based on the Design Research Methodology (DRM), which is used to help to improve the design research process. The partial result so far is represented by the identification of five models in the literature, with different behavioral perspectives and attributes, able to represent the initial requirements to compose a meta-model of a PSS that comprises IoT solutions. Next steps will be to analyze, merge and consolidate the final set of behavioral perspectives and attributes.

Palavras-chave: product-service system, internet of things, design dimension, design object, meta-model,

Palavras-chave: product-service system, internet of things, design dimension, design object, meta-model,

DOI: 10.5151/cbgdp2017-091

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Como citar:

Carrião, Renato Lewenthal; Rozenfeld, Henrique; Valente, Fredy; "REQUIREMENTS FOR A META-MODEL TO REPRESENT PRODUCT-SERVICE SYSTEMS (PSS) THAT INCORPORATE INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT) SOLUTIONS", p. 866-875 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/cbgdp2017-091

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