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Requirements to assemble a digital fabrication robotic unit

Requirements to assemble a digital fabrication robotic unit

Passaro, Andres Martin ; Henriques, Gonçalo Castro ; García-Alvarado, Rodrigo ; González-Böhme, Luis Felipe ;

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This article provides support for Universities dedicated to Architecture and Urbanism to implement a Robotic and Digital Fabrication Unit, based on the experience of laboratories in Chile and Brazil. Public funding agencies often promote "technological innovation" associated with "Industry 4.0" which requires a conceptual understanding of this framework. The authors address the industrial robot as a central element of research projects associated with robotic techniques, and creative processes. In summary, this article discloses a repertoire of technological alternatives and installation considerations, with a detailed review on how to set up a robotic unit for academia, for teaching, research and design development, in the context of Southern Creative Robotics.

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This article provides support for Universities dedicated to Architecture and Urbanism to implement a Robotic and Digital Fabrication Unit, based on the experience of laboratories in Chile and Brazil. Public funding agencies often promote "technological innovation" associated with "Industry 4.0" which requires a conceptual understanding of this framework. The authors address the industrial robot as a central element of research projects associated with robotic techniques, and creative processes. In summary, this article discloses a repertoire of technological alternatives and installation considerations, with a detailed review on how to set up a robotic unit for academia, for teaching, research and design development, in the context of Southern Creative Robotics.

Palavras-chave: Digital Fabrication, Industrial Robot, Industry 4.0, Fab Lab, Maker,

Palavras-chave: Digital Fabrication, Industrial Robot, Industry 4.0, Fab Lab, Maker,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2022-sigradi2022_98

Referências bibliográficas
  • [1] .
Como citar:

Passaro, Andres Martin; Henriques, Gonçalo Castro; García-Alvarado, Rodrigo; González-Böhme, Luis Felipe; "Requirements to assemble a digital fabrication robotic unit", p. 409-420 . In: XXVI International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2022-sigradi2022_98

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