Outubro 2023 vol. 11 num. 4 - 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design
Full paper - Open Access.
Research, Practice and Activism: Doctoral research as a space for doing social impact jobs that don’t exist yet.
Research, Practice and Activism: Doctoral research as a space for doing social impact jobs that don’t exist yet.
Hill, Katie ;
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This paper reflects on the experience of a mid-career designer undertaking doctoral research to develop social design practice. By discussing three reflective accounts of working with community organisations as a doctoral student, the paper presents four ways that the doctoral research process is structuring these relationships. The reflections are situated within definitions of research, practice and activism that critically reflect on academic roles in the neo-liberal university, understanding social impact as embedded across professional, academic and social life. The reflections offer an account of how doctoral research provides space to develop new practices for achieving social impact through design, in collaboration with community organisations, and ways that the doctoral research process is shaping these working relationships. Where the professional pathways for such practice are currently unclear, in this instance the experience of doing doctoral research is contributing to the development of both personal and organisational capacity to define new roles.
Full paper:
This paper reflects on the experience of a mid-career designer undertaking doctoral research to develop social design practice. By discussing three reflective accounts of working with community organisations as a doctoral student, the paper presents four ways that the doctoral research process is structuring these relationships. The reflections are situated within definitions of research, practice and activism that critically reflect on academic roles in the neo-liberal university, understanding social impact as embedded across professional, academic and social life. The reflections offer an account of how doctoral research provides space to develop new practices for achieving social impact through design, in collaboration with community organisations, and ways that the doctoral research process is shaping these working relationships. Where the professional pathways for such practice are currently unclear, in this instance the experience of doing doctoral research is contributing to the development of both personal and organisational capacity to define new roles.
Palavras-chave: Social Design, Practice-led, Doctoral research, Community, Activism,
Palavras-chave: Social Design, Practice-led, Doctoral research, Community, Activism,
DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-4ESP-01Full-11Katie-Hill
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Como citar:
Hill, Katie; "Research, Practice and Activism: Doctoral research as a space for doing social impact jobs that don’t exist yet.", p. 807-816 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/ead2023-4ESP-01Full-11Katie-Hill
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