Outubro 2023 vol. 11 num. 4 - 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design
Position paper - Open Access.
"RESEARCH, THINK, CREATE ARCHITECTURE. Thesis and project design as parallel methodologies. "
"RESEARCH, THINK, CREATE ARCHITECTURE. Thesis and project design as parallel methodologies. "
García Odiaga, Iñigo ; Salaberria San Vicente, Ibon ; Muniategiandikoetxea Markiegi, Jon ;
Position paper:
The preponderance of the sciences in the academic world has established methodologies that are clearly inoperative in doctoral theses exploring the humanities, and specifically the creative processes of art or architecture. In fields where the image, symbols, the social aspect or culture in the broadest sense are crucial to creating and producing new research, scientific methodology becomes a restrictive corset. If we set out from the idea that project design is research, as the design of a project is not just a creative act but also a constant process of research, we can argue that thesis and plan merge into a similar methodology. Researching and thinking in order to understand the world are a need in both cases, and this is where the knowledge built up through images, symbols and cultural landmarks becomes an essential tool in creating new projects in art, culture and architecture.
Position paper:
The preponderance of the sciences in the academic world has established methodologies that are clearly inoperative in doctoral theses exploring the humanities, and specifically the creative processes of art or architecture. In fields where the image, symbols, the social aspect or culture in the broadest sense are crucial to creating and producing new research, scientific methodology becomes a restrictive corset. If we set out from the idea that project design is research, as the design of a project is not just a creative act but also a constant process of research, we can argue that thesis and plan merge into a similar methodology. Researching and thinking in order to understand the world are a need in both cases, and this is where the knowledge built up through images, symbols and cultural landmarks becomes an essential tool in creating new projects in art, culture and architecture.
Palavras-chave: Thesis, Design, Atlas, Architecture, Project,
Palavras-chave: Thesis, Design, Atlas, Architecture, Project,
DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-1BIL-03Posit-05Garcia-Odiaga-et-al
Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:
García Odiaga, Iñigo; Salaberria San Vicente, Ibon; Muniategiandikoetxea Markiegi, Jon; ""RESEARCH, THINK, CREATE ARCHITECTURE. Thesis and project design as parallel methodologies. "", p. 215-221 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/ead2023-1BIL-03Posit-05Garcia-Odiaga-et-al
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