Dezembro 2014 vol. 1 num. 8 - XVIII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - SIGraDi: Design in Freedom
Article - Open Access.
Resultados Sobre la Práctica del Diseño Asociado con el Trabajo Colaborativo y el Construccionismo en una Comunidad de Guarulhos, Brasil.
Angelo, Alex Garcia Smith ; Henno, Juliana Harrison ; Romani, Elizabeth ; Lemus, Milton Villegas ;
This article has a purpose to introduce a methodology to learn the product design principles, applied with the children of a neighbor- hood in the City of Guarulhos, State of São Paulo. This project is developed through a workshop organized with the collaboration of the Unified Educational Center, two companies and a digital inclusion program of the Municipality of Guarulhos. In order to provide an understanding on the development stages of a product from its design through its completion, the workshop allowed the participants to learn together and provided the access to a simplified design procedure.
Palavras-chave: Design, Digital Manufacturing, Society, Technology Learning, Collaborative Network,
DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2014-0037
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Como citar:
Angelo, Alex Garcia Smith; Henno, Juliana Harrison; Romani, Elizabeth; Lemus, Milton Villegas; "Resultados Sobre la Práctica del Diseño Asociado con el Trabajo Colaborativo y el Construccionismo en una Comunidad de Guarulhos, Brasil.", p. 200-204 . In: Proceedings of the XVIII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics: Design in Freedom [=Blucher Design Proceedings, v.1, n.8].
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2014-0037
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