Setembro 2014 vol. 1 num. 2 - V Encontro Científico de Física Aplicada

Artigo Completo - Open Access.

Idioma principal

Separation of silver present in the X-ray films for use in the manufacture of jewelry

Neves, J.S. ; Costa, K.C. ; Pessin, L. ; Cavichini, A.S. ; Orlando, M. T. D. ; Depianti, J.B. ;

Artigo Completo :

This work aimed to study the efficiency of recycling the silver present in X-ray films for the development of alloys that can be used to make jewelry. For the recovery of metallic silver we used the chemical precipitation method which was used solution of NaClO and water in different ratios (Method 1 and 2) and NaOH and water (Method 3). The metal silver obtained from the three methods was analyzed by X-ray diffraction. The purity of the metal obtained was 94% that can be used in making alloys for jewelry. Furthermore, it was found that the method 3 is more economical than the methods 1 and 2. The choice of alloy’s elements took into account the physical and mechanical properties for the manufacture of a ring. The alloys developed in this work were AgCuZn and AgZnAl.

Artigo Completo :

Palavras-chave: silver, metallic alloys, recycling,


DOI: 10.5151/phypro-ecfa-022

Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:

Neves, J.S.; Costa, K.C.; Pessin, L.; Cavichini, A.S.; Orlando, M. T. D.; Depianti, J.B.; "Separation of silver present in the X-ray films for use in the manufacture of jewelry", p. 47-48 . In: Anais do V Encontro Científico de Física Aplicada [= Blucher Physics Proceedings, n.1, v.1]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2358-2359, DOI 10.5151/phypro-ecfa-022

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