Fevereiro 2015 vol. 1 num. 2 - XX Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química

Artigo - Open Access.

Idioma principal




The soil contamination is a global problem connected with illegal waste disposal due to the uncontrolled industrial development. These disposals are normally done with waste enriched by metals. One of the ways to solve the metal soil contamination problem is the soil washing. It uses a chelating agent (EDDS, EDTA i.e.) that complexes with metallic ions and carries them out. But in the end remains an aqueous solution with metals and organics at high concentration. Some reports indicate that the treatment of this solution employing traditional techniques, such as precipitation, is generally unsuitable due to the complexes stability. Therefore, the possibility to destroy the organic species (and the complexes) by means of TiO2 photocatalysis has been proposed in the past for the case of EDTA. Hence, the present investigation aims to evaluate the possibility to remove Cu, Fe and Zn from synthetic and real soil washing solutions through photocatalytic processes.



DOI: 10.5151/chemeng-cobeq2014-0419-25589-156758

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Como citar:

SATYRO, S.; RACE, M.; SOMMA, I. DI; DANTAS, R. F.; DEZOTTI, M.; ANDREOZZI, R.; "SIMULTANEOUS REMOVAL OF CU, FE, ZN AND EDDS FROM A SOIL WASHING STREAM THROUGH PHOTOCATALYTIC PROCESSES", p. 7083-7090 . In: Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química - COBEQ 2014 [= Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings, v.1, n.2]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2359-1757, DOI 10.5151/chemeng-cobeq2014-0419-25589-156758

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