Outubro 2019 vol. 6 num. 3 - 7º Simpósio Design Sustentável

Artigo completo - Open Access.

Idioma principal

Social Design: An introduction to brazilian’s perspective

Ribeiro, Juliana Pontes ; Mazzieiro, Adriana Tonani ; Cardoso, Gabriel Julian Wendling ; Brito, Giulia Pereira ;

Artigo completo:

This article discusses the approximations and differences in the processes of Social Design and Social Innovation when developed in Italy and Brazil. The understanding of the local conditions of the contexts in which the actions are materialized is of fundamental importance in order to understand, principally, the difficulties of carrying out design processes in Brazilian communities that result in the transformation of models, practices, products and services recognized as real innovations according to the original concepts of the European tradition. Thus, some case studies from Italy and Brazil have been used to elicit evidence that the susceptibility of successful applications of these theories and methods is largely due to external constraints of a social, cultural, environmental or economic nature.

Artigo completo:

Palavras-chave: Social Design; Social Innovation; Systemic Design; Co---creation; Brazil; Italy,


DOI: 10.5151/7dsd-1.2.025

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Como citar:

Ribeiro, Juliana Pontes; Mazzieiro, Adriana Tonani; Cardoso, Gabriel Julian Wendling; Brito, Giulia Pereira; "Social Design: An introduction to brazilian’s perspective", p. 267-278 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/7dsd-1.2.025

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