Dezembro 2024 vol. 11 num. 2 - X Simpósio Internacional de Inovação e Tecnologia
Full Article - Open Access.
Technical and geological parameters to store CO2 and H2 into depleted reservoirs of oil and gas, salt caverns and aquifers and their applications in Bahia.
Technical and geological parameters to store CO2 and H2 into depleted reservoirs of oil and gas, salt caverns and aquifers and their applications in Bahia.
Rios, Maria Eduarda ; Almeida, Alana ; FIALHO, ROSANA LOPES LIMA ; Camara, George ; Câmara, Roberto ;
Full Article:
"This study is set to analyze technical and geological parameters for thesafe and efficient storage of CO2 and H2in depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saltcaverns, and aquifers. It identified the optimal parameters applicable to reservoirsworldwide, subsequently applying them to reservoirs in Bahia. Scientific articles wereinvestigated and conducted to reunite most data about the geological characteristicsneeded for these types of reservoirs and the fluids storage. The results highlightfactors such as porosity, permeability, thickness, caprock integrity, cushion gas to beused, and temperature and pressure conditions of the reservoirs. This study alsoindicates a set of recommended parameters for storing CO2 and H2that could servepotential applications in Bahia's reservoirs."
Full Article:
"This study is set to analyze technical and geological parameters for thesafe and efficient storage of CO2 and H2in depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saltcaverns, and aquifers. It identified the optimal parameters applicable to reservoirsworldwide, subsequently applying them to reservoirs in Bahia. Scientific articles wereinvestigated and conducted to reunite most data about the geological characteristicsneeded for these types of reservoirs and the fluids storage. The results highlightfactors such as porosity, permeability, thickness, caprock integrity, cushion gas to beused, and temperature and pressure conditions of the reservoirs. This study alsoindicates a set of recommended parameters for storing CO2 and H2that could servepotential applications in Bahia's reservoirs."
Palavras-chave: storage, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, technical and geological parameters,
Palavras-chave: storage, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, technical and geological parameters,
DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-393567
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Como citar:
Rios, Maria Eduarda; Almeida, Alana; FIALHO, ROSANA LOPES LIMA; Camara, George; Câmara, Roberto; "Technical and geological parameters to store CO2 and H2 into depleted reservoirs of oil and gas, salt caverns and aquifers and their applications in Bahia.", p. 331-338 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-393567
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