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Techno-political strategies and tools to increase interdisciplinary collaboration and community participation around public health policy and the built environment


Rendón Sallard, Mario Yadir ; Cornejo Vucovich, Elsa Concepción ;


In order to impact individual behaviors that contribute to risk factors for chronic disease, a multi-disciplinary and inter-institutional working group was established to foster creative ways to increase community participation in public policymaking using the socio-ecological model as a point of reference and community-based participatory research methods to define priority issues and strategies, including techno-political tools such as the creation of a public information repository, community mapping, educational and awareness campaigns, and the use of social media to engage with policymakers.



Palavras-chave: Built environment; Health promotion; Chronic disease prevention; Community participation,

Palavras-chave: -,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2018-1870

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Como citar:

Rendón Sallard, Mario Yadir; Cornejo Vucovich, Elsa Concepción; "Techno-political strategies and tools to increase interdisciplinary collaboration and community participation around public health policy and the built environment", p. 1355-1360 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2018-1870

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