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Technology parks in Algeria: catalysts for harnessing tacit knowledge

Technology parks in Algeria: catalysts for harnessing tacit knowledge

Datoussaid, Aimad ; Jou, Siham ; Hamadi, Abdelkader ; Ferdj, Younes ;

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Technology parks are an important tool for bringing together several economic entities including companies, clusters and universities. We believe that knowledge transfers through these latters plays an important role in improving competitiveness. Adopting the triple helix model of innovation, this paper explore the dynamics of technology park development in Algeria. In persuit of this goal, a qualitative study was conducted internally at the Sidi Abdellah Park in Algiers, and externally with privatized public industrial SMEs. This SME have been experiencing a steady loss of tacit knowledge since the opening up of trade (1989), which opens interesting prospects for the research in technoparks, particularly in terms of public policy to create new internal structures. The aim of this policy will be firstly, to preserve this heritage of tacit knowledge; secondly, to enhance the value of professional experience accumulated over the years; thirdly, to host companies to ensure the continuity of the learning process.

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Technology parks are an important tool for bringing together several economic entities including companies, clusters and universities. We believe that knowledge transfers through these latters plays an important role in improving competitiveness. Adopting the triple helix model of innovation, this paper explore the dynamics of technology park development in Algeria. In persuit of this goal, a qualitative study was conducted internally at the Sidi Abdellah Park in Algiers, and externally with privatized public industrial SMEs. This SME have been experiencing a steady loss of tacit knowledge since the opening up of trade (1989), which opens interesting prospects for the research in technoparks, particularly in terms of public policy to create new internal structures. The aim of this policy will be firstly, to preserve this heritage of tacit knowledge; secondly, to enhance the value of professional experience accumulated over the years; thirdly, to host companies to ensure the continuity of the learning process.

Palavras-chave: Algeria, Technology Park, tacit knowledge, structure creation, corporate accommodation,

Palavras-chave: Algeria, Technology Park, tacit knowledge, structure creation, corporate accommodation,

DOI: 10.5151/FGKD24-60

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Como citar:

Datoussaid, Aimad; Jou, Siham; Hamadi, Abdelkader; Ferdj, Younes; "Technology parks in Algeria: catalysts for harnessing tacit knowledge ", p. 575-587 . In: Fourth-Generation Knowledge Districts 2024. São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2359-2990, DOI 10.5151/FGKD24-60

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