Dezembro 2021 vol. 9 num. 6 - XXV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics
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The Biomimicry Design Lens Method Applied to the Development of a Temporary Pavilion Inspired by the Victoria Amazonica
The Biomimicry Design Lens Method Applied to the Development of a Temporary Pavilion Inspired by the Victoria Amazonica
Lima, Elton Cristovão da Silva ; Matsunaga, Cristina ; Mendes, Leticia Teixeira ;
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Combining Biomimicry and Parametric Design, this research aims to detail the design process of an ephemeral pavilion which uses the method Biomimicry Design Lens, proposed by Biomimicry 3.8. The experiments developed in this paper followed the method’s diagram insights and it was guided by the ‘Biology for Design’ diagram in a non-sequential order in the design process. The pavilion is located in the Serpentine Gallery, and it was bio-inspired by the ribs of the inferior face of the Victoria amazonica leaf, a natural morphological structure that was translated into a quadrangular grid characteristic of the waffle structure. Finally, the parametric implementation allowed the development of several morphological experiments
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Combining Biomimicry and Parametric Design, this research aims to detail the design process of an ephemeral pavilion which uses the method Biomimicry Design Lens, proposed by Biomimicry 3.8. The experiments developed in this paper followed the method’s diagram insights and it was guided by the ‘Biology for Design’ diagram in a non-sequential order in the design process. The pavilion is located in the Serpentine Gallery, and it was bio-inspired by the ribs of the inferior face of the Victoria amazonica leaf, a natural morphological structure that was translated into a quadrangular grid characteristic of the waffle structure. Finally, the parametric implementation allowed the development of several morphological experiments
Palavras-chave: Biomimicry; Parametric Design; Temporary Pavilion; Biomimicry Design Lens; Victoria amazonica,
Palavras-chave: Biomimicry; Parametric Design; Temporary Pavilion; Biomimicry Design Lens; Victoria amazonica,
DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2021-131
Referências bibliográficas
- [1] .
Como citar:
Lima, Elton Cristovão da Silva; Matsunaga, Cristina; Mendes, Leticia Teixeira; "The Biomimicry Design Lens Method Applied to the Development of a Temporary Pavilion Inspired by the Victoria Amazonica", p. 1423-1434 . In: XXV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
ISBN: 978-65-5550-232-9
DOI 10.5151/sigradi2021-131
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