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The challenges towards the emergence of an African higher design education: case study of a French design diploma relocated to Benin

The challenges towards the emergence of an African higher design education: case study of a French design diploma relocated to Benin

Grellier, Caroline ;

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In October 2019, Francophone Africa's first graduating design school opened its doors in Cotonou, Benin. A French private design school, chosen by a Beninese government agency, carried the project and recruited me to create and run the school. For nearly three years, as an observer-participant, I fulfilled the mission of delocalizing the French diploma to Benin, which acts as a normative instrument. Although the project responds to a market, this approach produces a double effect: the importation of a French pedagogical culture, but also of a French design culture in Benin. As design education in French-speaking Africa emerges, and as international design research simultaneously focuses on decolonising design and design education through a pluriversal lens, this case study aims to analyse the issues at stake in this model of design education in Benin, which is already paving the way for a multiplication in the coming years.

Full paper:

In October 2019, Francophone Africa's first graduating design school opened its doors in Cotonou, Benin. A French private design school, chosen by a Beninese government agency, carried the project and recruited me to create and run the school. For nearly three years, as an observer-participant, I fulfilled the mission of delocalizing the French diploma to Benin, which acts as a normative instrument. Although the project responds to a market, this approach produces a double effect: the importation of a French pedagogical culture, but also of a French design culture in Benin. As design education in French-speaking Africa emerges, and as international design research simultaneously focuses on decolonising design and design education through a pluriversal lens, this case study aims to analyse the issues at stake in this model of design education in Benin, which is already paving the way for a multiplication in the coming years.

Palavras-chave: Decolonising design, Design education, Design degree, Design culture, Benin,

Palavras-chave: Decolonising design, Design education, Design degree, Design culture, Benin,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-04Caroline-Grellier

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Como citar:

Grellier, Caroline; "The challenges towards the emergence of an African higher design education: case study of a French design diploma relocated to Benin", p. 308-317 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-04Caroline-Grellier

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