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The FAD Certification of Design Quality: fostering good design practices

Torrents, Jordi ; Sola-Morales, Pau de ; Mus, Roseta ;


The Foment de les Arts i el Disseny (FAD) aims to recognize good design practices in companies and organizations that exhibit superb examples of interior and graphic design, and that they do so as part of the market process. In this paper, FAD and Applus+ present the FAD Certification of Design Quality (FCDQ) as a “seal” to certify these practices. The FCDQ does not attempt to give an objective, closed definition of Design, nor a complete list of “parameters”. It frames the problem by means of a number of overlapping features that must be taken into account in order to embark in a good design practice, and places the evaluation in the hands of trained professionals. Auditors guide establishments and, once this quality has been achieved, ensure that it is maintained over time. We believe that this is the first time a third-party certification in design quality is proposed.


Palavras-chave: certification, design quality, FAD,


DOI: 10.5151/despro-icdhs2014-0084

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Como citar:

Torrents, Jordi; Sola-Morales, Pau de; Mus, Roseta; "The FAD Certification of Design Quality: fostering good design practices", p. 581-586 . In: Tradition, Transition, Tragectories: major or minor influences? [=ICDHS 2014 - 9th Conference of the International Committee for Design History and Design Studies]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/despro-icdhs2014-0084

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