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The improvement of the communication between public institutions and society by the implementation of a mascot

Lauro, Aline Bertolini de ; Ourives, Eliete ; Figueiredo, Luiz Fernando Gonçalves de ; Figueiredo, Felipe Ourives de ;

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The present work deals with the conceptual study of redesign a character named Rizotinho created to act as an intermediary between the public institution and society, and also represent and enhance the rice produced in the Agronômica at Alto Vale Catarinense. To compose the mascot in the visual, behavioral, physical and thematic aspects were collected data about characteristics of the city in order to relate the concept of character with the tradition and customs of the region. For its construction, the project was based on the Munari (2000) methodology, with some adjustments, consisting of seven stages: (1) problem definition and composition, (2) data collection and data analysis, (3) research on characters particulars, (4) character structure, (5) verification, (6) project implementation and (7) monitoring. The research is descriptive and exploratory. At the end, it is concluded that the use of a mascot is, in fact, an effective option for facilitating the communication between the public institution and society and enhance the rice produced in the region of Agronomy.

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Palavras-chave: personagem, mascote, humanização de marca, intermediação, character,


DOI: 10.5151/designpro-CIDI-70

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Como citar:

Lauro, Aline Bertolini de; Ourives, Eliete; Figueiredo, Luiz Fernando Gonçalves de; Figueiredo, Felipe Ourives de; "The improvement of the communication between public institutions and society by the implementation of a mascot", p. 729-742 . In: In Coutinho, Solange G.; Moura, Monica; Campello, Silvio Barreto; Cadena, Renata A.; Almeida, Swanne (orgs.). Proceedings of the 6th Information Design International Conference, 5th InfoDesign, 6th CONGIC [= Blucher Design Proceedings, num.2, vol.1]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2318-6968, ISBN: 978-85-212-0824-2
DOI 10.5151/designpro-CIDI-70

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