Dezembro 2024 vol. 11 num. 2 - X Simpósio Internacional de Inovação e Tecnologia
Full Article - Open Access.
Souza, Bruna Bastos de ; Villardi, Hugo Gomes Damato ; Pessoa, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini ; Junior Miguel, Antonio Rimaci ;
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"This review article explores the potential of Agave for ethanol productionand identifies the technical challenges associated with this alternative. Themethodology consisted of an analysis of academic and technical literature, usingdatabases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, Elsevier and PubMed.Based on the studies collected, a technical analysis was carried out, addressing themain results of the selected studies, which are pertinent to the discussion. The articleconcludes that despite biotechnological advances, making Agave ethanoleconomically competitive remains a challenge, with further research needed toovercome obstacles and achieve yields comparable to those of traditional biomasses."
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"This review article explores the potential of Agave for ethanol productionand identifies the technical challenges associated with this alternative. Themethodology consisted of an analysis of academic and technical literature, usingdatabases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, Elsevier and PubMed.Based on the studies collected, a technical analysis was carried out, addressing themain results of the selected studies, which are pertinent to the discussion. The articleconcludes that despite biotechnological advances, making Agave ethanoleconomically competitive remains a challenge, with further research needed toovercome obstacles and achieve yields comparable to those of traditional biomasses."
Palavras-chave: Agave; Bioethanol; Biomass,
Palavras-chave: Agave; Bioethanol; Biomass,
DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-393456
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Como citar:
Souza, Bruna Bastos de; Villardi, Hugo Gomes Damato; Pessoa, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini; Junior Miguel, Antonio Rimaci; "THE POTENTIAL AND CHALLENGES OF PRODUCING ETHANOL FROM AGAVE: A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE", p. 612-619 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-393456
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