Outubro 2023 vol. 10 num. 5 - IX Simpósio Internacional de Inovação e Tecnologia
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Cunha, Helton Souza da ; Machado, Fabíola Lopes Caetano ; Travassos Junior, Xisto Lucas ; Ferreira, Cristiano Vasconcellos ;
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Digital transformation is a growing need for efficiency and data security. In this context, this work aimed to address the impacts that Artificial Intelligence (AI) may cause to the control of public procurement based on the New Bidding Law. In this way, a systematic review of the literature on AI and public agencies was carried out. The results found indicated that the use of AI on behalf of the control of administrative activity and public procurement is a reality. More research is needed to identify other factors that this technology can serve as an innovation tool capable of supporting the efficiency of public procurement.
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Digital transformation is a growing need for efficiency and data security. In this context, this work aimed to address the impacts that Artificial Intelligence (AI) may cause to the control of public procurement based on the New Bidding Law. In this way, a systematic review of the literature on AI and public agencies was carried out. The results found indicated that the use of AI on behalf of the control of administrative activity and public procurement is a reality. More research is needed to identify other factors that this technology can serve as an innovation tool capable of supporting the efficiency of public procurement.
Palavras-chave: digital transformation; public contracting process; government management; public administration,
Palavras-chave: digital transformation; public contracting process; government management; public administration,
DOI: 10.5151/siintec2023-305217
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Como citar:
Cunha, Helton Souza da ; Machado, Fabíola Lopes Caetano ; Travassos Junior, Xisto Lucas ; Ferreira, Cristiano Vasconcellos ; "THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN CONTRACTING AS DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS", p. 70-76 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/siintec2023-305217
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