Artigo Completo - Open Access.

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Gritz, Matheus ; Silva, Gabrieli ; Klôh, Vinicius ; Schulze, Bruno ; Ferro, Mariza ;

Artigo Completo:

As the high processing computing becomes even more critical for scientific research across various fields, increasing performance without raising the energy consumption levels becomes an essential task in order to warrant the financial viability of exascale systems. This work presents the first step towards understanding how the many computational requirements of benchmark applications relate to the overall runtime through a machine learning model and how that can be used for the development of an autonomous framework capable of scaling applications to have an optimal trade-off- between performance and energy consumption.

Artigo Completo:

As the high processing computing becomes even more critical for scientific research across various fields, increasing performance without raising the energy consumption levels becomes an essential task in order to warrant the financial viability of exascale systems. This work presents the first step towards understanding how the many computational requirements of benchmark applications relate to the overall runtime through a machine learning model and how that can be used for the development of an autonomous framework capable of scaling applications to have an optimal trade-off- between performance and energy consumption.

Palavras-chave: Machine Learning; HPC; Performance; Energy Consumption,

Palavras-chave: Machine Learning; HPC; Performance; Energy Consumption,

DOI: 10.5151/spolm2019-196

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Como citar:

Gritz, Matheus; Silva, Gabrieli; Klôh, Vinicius; Schulze, Bruno; Ferro, Mariza; "TOWARDS AN AUTONOMOUS FRAMEWORK FOR HPC OPTIMIZATION: A STUDY OF PERFORMANCE PREDICTION USING HARDWARE COUNTERS AND MACHINE LEARNING", p. 2721-2734 . In: Anais do XIX Simpósio de Pesquisa Operacional & Logística da Marinha. São Paulo: Blucher, 2020.
ISSN 2175-6295, DOI 10.5151/spolm2019-196

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