Dezembro 2020 vol. 8 num. 4 - XXIV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics
Conference full papers - Open Access.
Transformation as a production of meaning of the kinetic typographic form
Transformation as a production of meaning of the kinetic typographic form
Brarda, María Cecilia ; Gorodischer, Horacio F. ;
Conference full papers:
Digitality evidences the existence of writings that contradict the conception of static object. Many avatars of what is written become ephemeral and kinetic: more than objects, they are events. Kinetic writing appears in contemporary works from different disciplinary fields with analog or digital support. Time, expressed in duration, movement and transformation, returns to be the production substance of the sense of the written form — typographic or calligraphic — which is no longer spatial but temporal. The objective is to show how signs mutate to produce meaning from which the transformation, given by the kinetic dimension itself, occurs.
Conference full papers:
Palavras-chave: Kinetic typography, Production of meaning, Transformation, Analog-digital, Expression of form,
DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2020-5
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Como citar:
Brarda, María Cecilia; Gorodischer, Horacio F.; "Transformation as a production of meaning of the kinetic typographic form", p. 31-39 . In: Congreso SIGraDi 2020.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/sigradi2020-5
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