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Translation of cultural patterns through a 'design for emotions' tool and the 'Pre-inventive forms' method, into handicraft product design with cultural identity

Translation of cultural patterns through a 'design for emotions' tool and the 'Pre-inventive forms' method, into handicraft product design with cultural identity

Patiño Mazo, Ever ; Vélez-Granda, Sandra Marcela ; Jaramillo Flórez, Juan David ;

Conference full papers:

Based on the premise that the form generation phase in the design of handicraft products is one of the most complexes, the article proposes the use of the "Roles of products and users expectations" model by Jacob-Dazarola (2015), and “Pre-inventive 2D and 3D forms” method based on Finke (1993). The methods are evidenced in a case study, in which five handicraft product projects were developed, based on the cultural identity of Guapi, a town in the Colombian Pacific.

Conference full papers:

Palavras-chave: Design for emotions, participatory observation, cultural patterns, pre-inventive forms, handicraft,


DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2020-4

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Como citar:

Patiño Mazo, Ever; Vélez-Granda, Sandra Marcela; Jaramillo Flórez, Juan David; "Translation of cultural patterns through a 'design for emotions' tool and the 'Pre-inventive forms' method, into handicraft product design with cultural identity", p. 23-30 . In: Congreso SIGraDi 2020. São Paulo: Blucher, 2020.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2020-4

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