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Lima, Murilo Moura ; Souza, Nilmar de ; Cunha, Adillys Marcelo da ; Damm, Djoille Denner ; Almeida, Kalil Figueiredo ; Martins, Luís Oscar Silva ; Lora, Fábio André ;

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"The article analyzes the growing importance of assistive technology (AT) inpromoting the inclusion of people with disabilities. Through a bibliometric review, thestudy reveals a growing interest in the area. Additionally, the research points to a risein discussions about the development of more accessible and intuitive solutions inthe school environment. However, despite legal advances and the increase in thenumber of students with disabilities in higher education, there are still challenges tobe overcome, such as the lack of preparation of teachers and the scarcity ofaccessible resources."

Full Article:

"The article analyzes the growing importance of assistive technology (AT) inpromoting the inclusion of people with disabilities. Through a bibliometric review, thestudy reveals a growing interest in the area. Additionally, the research points to a risein discussions about the development of more accessible and intuitive solutions inthe school environment. However, despite legal advances and the increase in thenumber of students with disabilities in higher education, there are still challenges tobe overcome, such as the lack of preparation of teachers and the scarcity ofaccessible resources."

Palavras-chave: assistive technology; technical design; accessibility ;,

Palavras-chave: assistive technology; technical design; accessibility ;,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-393482

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Como citar:

Lima, Murilo Moura; Souza, Nilmar de; Cunha, Adillys Marcelo da; Damm, Djoille Denner; Almeida, Kalil Figueiredo; Martins, Luís Oscar Silva; Lora, Fábio André; "TRENDS AND PATTERNS IN ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS", p. 136-143 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-393482

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