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Understanding the complexity of statement: A document design approach

YI, Minzhe ; LIN, Tingyi S ;


Though documents have helped people complete various tasks in daily life, there is still no unified standard in document design field; some designers even design documents just depending on their own experience. In this study, based on standards proposed by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a human-centred document design mode was put forward. Credit cards have brought lots of conveniences to our daily life, but the complex credit card bills have also attracted many complaints. Cardholders may even suffer personal credit losses due to bill misreading. Thus in this paper, the new design mode was used in the upgrade design of credit card bills and the evaluation results showed that, the usability and satisfaction of new credit card bills were significantly improved compared with the original ones (P<.05). Besides demonstrating the validity of the new design mode, a good document design checklist was also provided as a reference for academic research in this field.


Palavras-chave: Document design, credit card statement, information design, usability test,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/despro-icdhs2016-03_013

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Como citar:

YI, Minzhe; LIN, Tingyi S; "Understanding the complexity of statement: A document design approach", p. 251-258 . In: Wong, Wendy Siuyi; Kikuchi, Yuko & Lin, Tingyi (Eds.). Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History [=ICDHS 2016 – 10th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2016.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/despro-icdhs2016-03_013

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