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Urban Kindness: Parametrization and digital fabrication powering forgotten spaces


Dias de Souza, Mayara ; Medeiros Alves, Gilfranco ; de Andrade Corrêa, Natália ;


The goal of this paper is to present and discuss the design process of a intervention realized in a historic building placed in Campo Grande/MS, Brazil. The project had as premise the invitation to use, coexistence or contemplation in the previously degraded and unused space. The project was carried out through the partnership between the algo+ritmo research group from UFMS and the Casa de Ensaio, a non-profit organization. The main goal was that students of architecture and urbanism could use digital technologies to design, developt and executate the project, and also control the whole process from the beginning to the end.. Through the evaluation of the results, this paper reflects on procedures used in undergraduate courses seeking to contribute to the dissemination of other forms of design processes different from conventional ones.



Palavras-chave: Urban intervention; Urban kindness; Project process; Parametric Design, Digital Fabrication.,

Palavras-chave: -,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2018-1614

Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:

Dias de Souza, Mayara; Medeiros Alves, Gilfranco; de Andrade Corrêa, Natália; "Urban Kindness: Parametrization and digital fabrication powering forgotten spaces", p. 695-699 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2018-1614

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