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Uso da Fabricação Digital e Prototipagem no Desenvolvimento do Projeto de Produto: Análises do Produto através de Simulações Digitais

Bruscato, Underléa Miotto ; Brendler, Clariana Fischer ; Viaro, Felipe Schneider ; Teixeira, Fábio Gonçalves ; Silva, Régio Pierre da ;


The aim of this paper is to design a public facilitie using both digital manufacture and rapid prototyping design methods. These new technologies have been used in product design development by some ways: helping in the comprehension of complex geometries; used as tools for analyzing the design process, thus avoiding errors in the project. The analysis were carried out using virtual simulation tests and physical prototype in reduced scale. The prototype was manufactured using the 3D printer V-Flash in the Virtual Design Laboratory – UFRGS, where positive and negatives aspects were identified and described.


Palavras-chave: Digital manufacture, Rapid prototyping, Virtual simulation, Product design, Urban facilities,


DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2013-0088

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Como citar:

Bruscato, Underléa Miotto; Brendler, Clariana Fischer; Viaro, Felipe Schneider; Teixeira, Fábio Gonçalves; Silva, Régio Pierre da; "Uso da Fabricação Digital e Prototipagem no Desenvolvimento do Projeto de Produto: Análises do Produto através de Simulações Digitais", p. 459-463 . In: Proceedings of the XVII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics: Knowledge-based Design [=Blucher Design Proceedings, v.1, n.7]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2013-0088

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