Fevereiro 2014 vol. 1 num. 1 - V Simpósio Internacional de Flebologia
Resumo - Open Access.
Varicose Vein Reccurence After Pregnancy: Influence of The Preservation of The Saphenous Vein in Nullipara Patients
Pittaluga, P. ; Chastagnet, S. ;
The pregnancy is a risk factor for recurrence after a surgical treatment of varices. The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of the preservation of the saphenous vein (SV) for the treatment of varices, in nullipara patients who had a pregnancy following the treatment.
Palavras-chave: varicose vein,
DOI: 10.5151/medpro-flebo-SIF_53
Referências bibliográficas
Como citar:
Pittaluga, P.; Chastagnet, S.; "Varicose Vein Reccurence After Pregnancy: Influence of The Preservation of The Saphenous Vein in Nullipara Patients", p. 81-82 . In: In Anais do V Simpósio Internacional de Flebologia [=Blucher Medical Proceedings, n.1, v.1].
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7282,
DOI 10.5151/medpro-flebo-SIF_53
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