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Vulnerability of infra-structural residential frames under extra-ordinary loads

Sakthivel, A. T. ; ratan, B. Remya ; Natarajan, C. Dr.C. ; Raman, D. Dr.A. Raja ;

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Residential segment of infra-structural systems in India occupies a significant por-tion and many cities and towns are witnessing an unusual rise in construction of low-level-up to four or five floors-buildings in reinforced concrete. Present codal provisions and design practices cover wind and seismic loads reasonably well. But unusual -but occurring every year in many parts of India- environmental loads like flood and fire are not considered in many of the designs and the reason for this is the complexity in computational aspects of stud-ying response under such loads and their effects on design in a complex material like rein-forced concrete, which is the predominantly used material in India. The present study gives details of computational aspects in the analysis of such frames bot in modeling and response evaluation using finite elements. Two cases of loading are studied on under fire and another under flood. For the study on fire, the modelling and analysis are from a component level like beam, frame and later system. But for flood the analysis id done on the full system considering different cases on functionality of the building like soft-storeyed or structurally in-filled etc. In fire , the studies indicate the performance of concrete as it decays as a material and the con-sequent effect on components like beams or portions of system like one bay of a frame in re-sponse and based on this the temperature vulnerability is evaluated. Similarly for the same frame under flood vulnerability studies are done to evaluate the performance with different base conditions and boundary effects, which might take place due to scouring. Both linear and non-linear design effects are considered by taking into account the cracking in concrete. Similarly dynamic effects of flood are taken in a quasi-static mode as done under seismic loadings. Using these results, it is possible to get an idea of the effects of unusual environmen- tal loads like fire and flood, on a fully well-designed building for dead, live, wind and seismic loads both from analysis and design points of view

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Palavras-chave: Concrete, modeling, vulnerability, soft storey, damage,


DOI: 10.5151/meceng-wccm2012-19799

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Como citar:

Sakthivel, A. T.; ratan, B. Remya; Natarajan, C. Dr.C.; Raman, D. Dr.A. Raja; "Vulnerability of infra-structural residential frames under extra-ordinary loads", p. 4240-4257 . In: In Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics [= Blucher Mechanical Engineering Proceedings, v. 1, n. 1]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2358-0828, DOI 10.5151/meceng-wccm2012-19799

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