Dezembro 2021 vol. 9 num. 5 - 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbours for Design Research
Full Paper - Open Access.
Walk, talk and draw: Fieldwork in nature to unpack the complexities of sustainability.
Walk, talk and draw: Fieldwork in nature to unpack the complexities of sustainability.
Bertolotti, Elisa ; Vezzani, Valentina ;
Full Paper:
Atlantic Wonder (AW) is a platform of multidisciplinary conversations and creative activities that reflect upon the relationship between design and nature and which emerged out of collaborations between designers and natural scientists on the island of Madeira. AW explores the role of design as mediator between disciplines and areas of study and practices that concern nature. Madeira acts as a testbed for regenerative innovations within this context, in order to achieve sustainable transformations. The paper investigates the relationship between design for sustainability and nature through the application of tools and fieldwork exercises used during the AW Summer School in 2019. The paper reflects upon the need for designers to be in contact with nature in order to learn about the complex interconnections that exist between living beings and their habitat. The aim is to contribute to a new dialogue about design for sustainability.
Full Paper:
Atlantic Wonder (AW) is a platform of multidisciplinary conversations and creative activities that reflect upon the relationship between design and nature and which emerged out of collaborations between designers and natural scientists on the island of Madeira. AW explores the role of design as mediator between disciplines and areas of study and practices that concern nature. Madeira acts as a testbed for regenerative innovations within this context, in order to achieve sustainable transformations. The paper investigates the relationship between design for sustainability and nature through the application of tools and fieldwork exercises used during the AW Summer School in 2019. The paper reflects upon the need for designers to be in contact with nature in order to learn about the complex interconnections that exist between living beings and their habitat. The aim is to contribute to a new dialogue about design for sustainability.
Palavras-chave: design for sustainability, learning-by-walking, design tools, design as bridge,
Palavras-chave: design for sustainability, learning-by-walking, design tools, design as bridge,
DOI: 10.5151/ead2021-136
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Como citar:
Bertolotti, Elisa; Vezzani, Valentina; "Walk, talk and draw: Fieldwork in nature to unpack the complexities of sustainability. ", p. 199-216 . In: 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbours for Design Research.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/ead2021-136
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