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Março 2015 vol. 1 num. 2
2nd International Conference of Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education
Presentation- Open Access
PDF - p.1-6
Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speaker- Open Access
Design and Illustration. Two of a kind
PDF - p.14-18
Keynote Speaker- Open Access
Relatos Visuales de Nuestro Tránsito por el Mundo
PDF - p.19-25
Keynote Speaker- Open Access
PDF - p.26-32
Keynote Speaker- Open Access
Ilustrar: dar à luz ou trazer a luz? Ilustração como revelação exaltada da diferença
PDF - p.33-40
Education and visual culture: construction of Memory, and with Memories
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.46-50
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.51-55
Article- Open Access
Children as meaning makers: interpretation and knowledge transfer prompted by the visual
PDF - p.56-61
Article- Open Access
La poética gráfica de Fernando Vilela
PDF - p.62-67
Article- Open Access
O filme de animação e uma “nova bucólica” – “Ratatui” ou A Filosofia da Natureza contada às crianças
PDF - p.68-72
Article- Open Access
Identity by the object: an educational project using portrait and self-portrait to build identities
PDF - p.73-77
Article- Open Access
The development of artistic creativity in youth in the context of family-related conditions
PDF - p.78-82
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.83-87
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.88-92
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.93-97
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.98-102
Article- Open Access
Illustration and childhood imagination: narrative paths through the image in books for children
PDF - p.103-107
Article- Open Access
Construyendo la memoria visual a través de la fotografía
PDF - p.108-112
Article- Open Access
Pedagogía del Ser en Educación Infantil: una propuesta desde el álbum ilustrado
PDF - p.113-118
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.119-122
Visual culture and childhood: Author and Authors
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.126-131
Article- Open Access
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Article- Open Access
From the children’s author to the adult author: a story of the cycle(s) of the authorship(s)
PDF - p.137-141
Article- Open Access
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Article- Open Access
How can we authentically develop a child’s creativity through an “artistic workshop”?
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Article- Open Access
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Article- Open Access
Transdisciplinariedad en arte en primaria: el repensar de uma propuesta curricular
PDF - p.158-162
Article- Open Access
Referentes culturales en el lenguaje simbólico de Anthony Browne
PDF - p.163-167
Article- Open Access
Érase una vez….el cuento infantil desde la perspectiva del artista
PDF - p.168-172
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.173-178
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.179-185
Childhood and education: Project and Projects
Article- Open Access
Pictures of new knowledge: a dilemma of fact or fantasy
PDF - p.188-192
Article- Open Access
Análisis del color en el Álbum Ilustrado. Un valor añadido constructor de sentidos
PDF - p.193-197
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.198-201
Article- Open Access
Visual culture – an area of educational research
PDF - p.202-206
Article- Open Access
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Article- Open Access
A ceramics project with deaf children: Creating Brazilian rainforest animals in clay
PDF - p.211-215
Illustration and visual culture: Technology and Technologies
Article- Open Access
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Article- Open Access
From a click to a gesture: a contribution to defining the concept of children’s e-picturebooks
PDF - p.223-228
Article- Open Access
La serigrafía: alta y baja tecnología
PDF - p.229-234
Article- Open Access
Visual Poetry. Illustration in digital publishing
PDF - p.235-239
Article- Open Access
The “auto-graphical” illustration as a technological and biographical mirror
PDF - p.240-245
Article- Open Access
Ephemeral graphic language: from the blackboard to the students’ repertoire
PDF - p.246-250
Article- Open Access
Drawing unusual objects after making their acquaintance by touch
PDF - p.251-255
Article- Open Access
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Article- Open Access
PDF - p.261-265
Childhood, visual culture and graphic illustration: New Approaches to Education
Article- Open Access
El papel de la ilustración en la alfabetización visual
PDF - p.268-272
Article- Open Access
Visual arts and cultural mediation in the Modern Art Centre of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
PDF - p.273-277
Article- Open Access
Ilustración Y Poesía. Uma Investigación Didáctica En Torno A La Poesía Visual
PDF - p.278-282
Article- Open Access
“I want, I can, I’ll do it!”: proposal of a 2D animated television series for asthmatic children
PDF - p.283-287
Article- Open Access
Un relato de experiencia para comprender a la Cultura Visual como estrategia metodológica
PDF - p.288-293
Article- Open Access
Los museos de bellas artes como recurso didáctico en el aula bilingüe
PDF - p.294-298
Article- Open Access
La cultura visual al alcance de los niños con ceguera
PDF - p.299-304
Article- Open Access
“Letraca”, un proyecto de Educación Artística y refuerzo del aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura
PDF - p.305-310
Article- Open Access
La competencia de representación espacial en los Títulos de Grado en Educación Infantil y Primaria
PDF - p.311-315
Article- Open Access
The interactive educational printed book: plaything or polymath?
PDF - p.316-320
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.321-326
Article- Open Access
Recreación de la obra de arte como fuente de aprendizaje e invención creativa
PDF - p.327-336
Article- Open Access
The Interactive Book, a personal experience
PDF - p.332-331
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.337-341
Article- Open Access
Dos propuestas lúdicas y educativas, para aprender del barrio del Cabanyal
PDF - p.342-346
Article- Open Access
Co-creation of Scratch narratives illustrated and animated by children from 4 to 6 years old
PDF - p.347-351
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.352-356
Article- Open Access
Biographical workshop: a place for the secrets of the heart
PDF - p.357-363
About the event
Welcome to the 2nd International Conference – Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education and welcome to Aveiro. The first conference was held in 2010 organized by the Painting Department of the University of Granada.
In this second edition the topics proposed were centred in the design field, because the Communication and Art Department of the University of Aveiro offers Graduation, MSc and PhD in Design. The main subject selected for this conference was “Creative processes and childhood-oriented cultural discourses”.
Considering the Design Course had the need to establish a field where the discipline could claim its independence, led to the reflection on all contributions generated accordingly. Among them, the triangular model - authoring, technology and program - presented by Professor and Designer Francisco Providência excelled. The proposed sub-themes reflect those concepts and new ones. In this sense, were selected the issues related with (Memory and Memories), (Author and Authors), (Project and Projects), (Technology and Technologies) and (New Approaches to Education). The aim was bring to light histories, experiences, ideas, creative practices and processes related with childhood. In this process there was a team integrated by the University of Aveiro (Portugal) with Helena Barbosa and Joana Quental, and three representatives of the first edition of the Conference held in Granada (Spain, 2010) with María Reyes González from the University of Granada, Fernando Hernández Hernández from the University of Barcelona and Imanol Aguirre from University of Navarra. The group worked privileging not only the essence of the previous conference, but also wanted to keep the aims to identify the successive editions of the Conferences (as regards the general topics of interest, the approach, the axis of work and the format).
Given the specificity of the issues of this conference there were invited four keynote speakers – Henrique Cayatte, Marisol Anguita, Eileen Adams and Francisco Providência – whose interests of knowledge and research are reflected in the fields of illustration, design, draw and education. The conference provided two discussion panels with the keynote speakers in order to promote reflection and debate with the public around the subjects presented.
There was a strong response in our call for papers considering the short time that was given, with nearly 120 abstracts, and were selected 105 submissions. There were represented eleven countries - Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and United States. Unfortunately, due to the global economical crisis we assisted a decreasing number of registrations, nearly 80, preventing the dissemination of research from many speakers, and opened a lot of constraints to the organization. Despite this, there was a particular interest around this Conference, where signed up people only as assistant, revealing the relevance and importance of this event.
Several initiatives have occurred since the first Conference through the commitment of María Reyes González Director of this first edition with Miguel Ángel Moleón with the publication of papers presented at the first Conference that were published in the scientific journal
“Invisibilidades”; the representation of Spain hosting a workshop at the 4th World Children’s Festival held in Washington DC, following perspectives presented at the first International Conference; the launch of the new website with the history of the Art, Illustration, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education conferences; and finally with new edition of a book only with selected articles presented in the first Conference. The Organization of this Conference is also establishing contacts to proceed to the publication of the best papers presented at this event.
Continuing with the biannual development of this International Conference, I’m also pleased to announce the next event will take place on 2014 at the National School of Fine Arts, University of Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay, under the coordination of Fernando Miranda and his Research Group on “Visual Culture, Education and Construction of Identity”.
Helena Barbosa
University of Aveiro
Department of Communication and Art
Ashfaq Ishaq – International Child Art Foundation – Washington, EUA
Henrique Cayatte – Designer/ Ilustrador / and President of Centro Português de Design, Portugal
Manuel Assunção – Dean of the Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Vasco Branco – Director of the Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura [ID+]/Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Helena Barbosa (coordinator) - Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Joana Quental - Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Adriano Rangel – Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Álvaro Sousa – Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Carmen González Castro – Universidad de Granada, España
Clice de Toledo S Mazzilli – Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
David Heras – Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, España
Eduardo Corte-Real – IADE – Instituto de Artes Visuais, Design e Marketing, Portugal
Fernando Hernandez Hernandez – Universitat de Barcelona, España
Fernando Miranda – Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, UDeLaR, Montevideo, Uruguay
Francisco Providência – Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Graça Magalhães – Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Helena Barbosa – Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Imanol Aguirre – Universitat de Navarra, España
Joana Quental – Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Leonardo Charreu – Universidade de Évora, Portugal
M. Reyes González – Universitat de Granada, España
Noel Douglas – University of Bedfordshire, England
Nuria Rodriguez Calatayud- Universitat Politècnica de València, España
Paula Carbonell – Especialista en Literatura Infantil, España
Priscila Farias – Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
Raquel Pelta – Universitat de Barcelona, España
Ricardo Reis – Universitat de Barcelona, España
Rosa Oliveira – Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Rui Costa – Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Steven McCarthy – University of Minnesota, USA
Susana Oliveira – Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal
Álvaro Sousa – Universidade de Aveiro
Fábio Maricato – Universidade de Aveiro
Fernando Hernandez Hernandez – Universitat de Barcelona
Gonçalo Gomes – Universidade de Aveiro
Imanol Aguirre – Universidad Publica de Navarra
Lígia Afreixo – Universidade de Aveiro
M. Reyes González – Universidade de GranadaMiriam Reis – Escola Superior Aveiro Norte da Universidade de Aveiro
Nuno Dias – Universidade de Aveiro
Olinda Martins – Universidade de Aveiro
Raquel Damas – Universidade de Aveiro
Rui Mendonça – Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade do Porto
Ana João
Ana Gil
Fábio Maricato
Inês Seixas
Íris Santos
João Infante
Lígia Afreixo
Mário Tavares
Raquel Ribeiro
Ricardo Martins
Rita Bento
Rita Moniz
Sara Melo