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- Wendy Siuyi Won
- Yuko Kikuchi
- Tingyi S Lin
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Setembro 2016 vol. 8 num. 2
The 10th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies
Presentation- Open Access
PDF - p.i-xv
Section 1
Inter-Asian and design historical issues in Asia
Article- Open Access
Editions of traditional genealogies in China’s Southern Zhejiang province
PDF - p.1-7
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.8-14
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.15-18
Article- Open Access
Gracious: Modern living in post-independence Singapore
PDF - p.19-23
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.24-27
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.28-32
Article- Open Access
Co-existence relationship of residential apartments and furniture in the republic of Korea
PDF - p.33-37
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.38-44
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.45-49
Article- Open Access
A study of the agricultural design in the U.S. aid period (1951–1965)
PDF - p.50-52
Article- Open Access
Embroidery patterns of the Qing Dynasty robes
PDF - p.53-55
Section 2
Trans/national design theory and identity
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.56-60
Article- Open Access
Uncharted territories of transnational design history with particular reference to Turkey
PDF - p.61-66
Article- Open Access
Sailing upwind or a fresh and salt watered history of design
PDF - p.67-71
Article- Open Access
Representations of British women at the British Empire Exhibition, 1924–1925
PDF - p.72-76
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.77-81
Article- Open Access
Zentner house in Zurich: A villa by Carlo Scarpa abroad and its furniture
PDF - p.82-86
Article- Open Access
Swiss Style beyond the border Swiss graphic designers in Italy
PDF - p.87-89
Article- Open Access
The orient and the occident through cinema and film posters: A Portuguese case study
PDF - p.90-94
Article- Open Access
The construction of Estonian national style under Soviet rule
PDF - p.95-99
Article- Open Access
Consuming the image of “Japan” in British Art Deco fashion
PDF - p.100-104
Article- Open Access
Japanese concept of Kogei in the period between the first world war and the second world war
PDF - p.105-109
Article- Open Access
Le Style n’existe pas: How migration shaped the “graphic design nation”
PDF - p.110-124
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.125-129
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.130-137
Article- Open Access
Modernisms’ locations II: Transnational exchange through design
PDF - p.138-144
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.145-151
Article- Open Access
A search for Brazilian craft identity
PDF - p.152-156
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.157-161
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.162-167
Article- Open Access
Character design and regional identity in Korea since the 1990’s
PDF - p.168-172
Article- Open Access
Sources of inspiration in Turkish modern furniture design
PDF - p.173-178
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.179-181
Section 3
Contemporary design practice and design interventions
Article- Open Access
Towards a new paradigm: Applying industrial design processes to the craft bamboo industry
PDF - p.182-185
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.186-191
Article- Open Access
Multiple perspectives in design: World maps and their perspectives
PDF - p.192-197
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.198-205
Article- Open Access
Visual rhetoric of the Islamic State (IS): Persuasion in the field of terror
PDF - p.206-213
Article- Open Access
Exploring phase change materials in gloves to regulate body temperature
PDF - p.214-217
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.218-222
Article- Open Access
Anomy in Design: Sir Nikolaus Pevsner’s admonition to “democratic” society
PDF - p.223-227
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.228-232
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.233-237
Article- Open Access
Poetic dimensions: Jewellery conversations about design process
PDF - p.238-243
Article- Open Access
Is this design?: Poetry and prose in the broadsides of the John Lewis Collection
PDF - p.244-250
Article- Open Access
Understanding the complexity of statement: A document design approach
PDF - p.251-258
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.259-264
Article- Open Access
Beyond emotional design: Evaluation methods and the emotional continuum
PDF - p.265-270
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.271-277
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.278-283
Article- Open Access
Design Activism: Action research as an approach when design meets social innovation
PDF - p.284-290
Article- Open Access
Digital fabrication and revival craft in Latin America: Alliance between designers and artisans
PDF - p.291-295
Article- Open Access
The urban public space and design as tools to promote social interaction
PDF - p.296-301
Article- Open Access
Measuring impact: Program evaluation and design for social change
PDF - p.302-307
Section 4
Open theme
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.308-312
Article- Open Access
Design and journalism – challenges and opportunities: A dialogue between two cultures
PDF - p.313-318
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.319-323
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.324-328
Article- Open Access
The design of fire retardant textile products: An exploration of design characteristics
PDF - p.329-332
Article- Open Access
Re-enactment as method: An action research project on art and design
PDF - p.333-337
Article- Open Access
Alvar Aalto and the theory of play: Through analysis on Alvar Aalto’s furniture design
PDF - p.338-342
Article- Open Access
Phantasmagoria: Ghostly entertainment of the Victorian Britain
PDF - p.343-347
Article- Open Access
Spatializing design history: Considerations on the use of maps for studies on print culture
PDF - p.348-353
Article- Open Access
Beech eating machine: A new materialist critique of the Thonet no. 14 chair
PDF - p.354-360
Article- Open Access
A creative economy: Design with cultural value as an income opportunity for developing countries
PDF - p.361-366
Article- Open Access
The study on color image of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure costume design
PDF - p.367-372
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.373-377
Article- Open Access
Evaluating inclusive design products from the accessibility chain
PDF - p.378-382
Article- Open Access
Transition of a Western dream into an evidence of Guilt: The case of Mekap shoes in Turkey
PDF - p.383-387
Article- Open Access
Design activism from the past to present: A critical analysis of the discourse
PDF - p.388-393
ICDHS is an international research community that focuses on design history and design studies. The first meeting of ICDHS was held in Barcelona in 1999. The committee was established in 2002 at Istanbul meeting right after La Havana in 2000. In addition, the international conference, which is held every two years in different countries, may lead to an increase of cross-border knowledge exchange. Research topics of ICDHS are divided in four aspects: Design History, Design Policy, Research of Design Practice and Theories/Issues that are related to Design. Each aspect would be discussed and challenged. ICDHS hopes to explore the knowledge of design in the past, present and future more profoundly.
Through international conference, ICDHS aims at building a communion of researches and a network of researchers. Start from a thorough look on critiques of design history and a continuous improvement of contemporary design, ICDHS tries to explore how design stands in a human’s life and future. An international conference benefits a newborn of research and a further look in cross-field cooperation. Also, an exchange of design theory, design methods or design tools would draw an outline of future development. Since 1999, IDCHS had held nine conferences in Barcelona (1999), La Habana (2000), Istanbul (2002), Guadalajara (2004), Helsinki-Tallinn (2006), Brussels (2010) and Aveiro (2014). Over hundred of participants from all around the world, even more than two hundreds in Brazil (2012), had joined the conference. It came out that each conference resulted in a significant and influential achievement.
At the beginning of 2014, ICDHS 2016 Taipei won the bid. In July, the ICDHS committee and ICDHS 2016 Taipei had a framework and met up in Europe while later the ICDHS committee officially authorized ICDHS 2016 Taipei as the host of the tenth ICDHS international conference. It’s a great honor that Taipei become the second cities in Asia chosen by ICDHS since the one in Osaka, 2008. In this upcoming event, designers and researchers around the world would join the feast. Hopefully, the awareness of design history and design performance in Taiwan would drastically boost by the event. Furthermore, ICDHS 2016 Taipei is expected to inject vitality through discussions and debates.
ICDHS 2016 Taipei: Building Trans/national Contemporary Design Histor
A History of Multiple Colonisation
The question of ‘Taiwaneseness
Taiwan’s culture is a fascinating mixture that is the result of multiple colonisations by the Dutch, the Spanish, the Qing China and Japan. The modern consciousness of ‘Taiwaneseness’ emerged during the Japanese rule, and has been the most pressing political and cultural issue up until the present. Westernisation and Modernisation imposed by Japan are also characteristic features of the colonial modernity of Taiwan, and its unique case of double colonisation has captured the interest of current colonial studies. With its rich layers of colonial history, international politics and search for identity Taiwan makes an excellent backdrop for contemplating and debating the issues of Design History.
- 1544: Portuguese named ‘Ilha Formosa’
- 1624-1642: Dutch and Spanish ‘Formosa’
- 1683-1895: Han Qing rule
- 1895-1945: Japanese rule
- 1949-1987: KMT originated from the mainland China, lifting of the Martial law
- 1988-present: Democratic Taiwan in the context of two Chinas
Tingyi S. Lin
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Yuko Kikuchi
University of the Arts London, UK
Wendy Wong
York University, Canada
Honorary Chairs
Anna Calvera
Professor, University of Barcelona, Spain
Ching-Jong Liao
President, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Victor Margolin
Emeritus Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Jonathan Woodham
Professor, University of Brighton, UK
Advisory Committees
Lin-Lin Chen
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Ping-Chang Lin
Tainan Universiy of Technology, Taiwan
Tung-Jung Sung
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Chuan-Ying Yen
Academic Sinica, Taiwan
ICDHS Board Committee
Paul Atkinson
Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Tevfik Balcioglu
Yasar University, Turkey
Helena Barbosa
Communication and Art Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Anna Calvera
University of Barcelona, Spain
Priscila Lena Farias
University of São Paulo, Brazil
Fredie Floré
KU Leuven University, Belgium
Haruhiko Fujita
Osaka University, Japan
Javier Gimeno-Martinez
VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Yuko Kikuchi
University of the Arts London, UK
Pekka Korvenmaa
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Finland
Tingyi S. Lin
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Héctor Flores Magón
University of Guadalajara, Mexico
Victor Margolin
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Viviana Narotzky
Royal College of Art, UK
Oscar Salinas-Flores
National University of Mexico
Lucila Fernández Uriarte
Institute of Design, Havana, Cuba
Wendy Wong
York University, Canada
Jonathan M. Woodham
University of Brighton, UK
Organizing Committees
Chien-Hsiung Chen
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Li-Min Chen
National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Fei-Man Chang
Min-Chuan University, Taiwan
Tsen-Yao Chang
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Cheng-Li Cheng
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Jeng-Neng Fan
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Shi-Bao Jiang
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Kai-Jen Ko
National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan
Rung-Huei Liang
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Tingyi S. Lin
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Charleen Liu
National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
Ding-Bang Luh
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Hsien-Hui Tang
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Fang-Wu Tung
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Hsuan Jui Yang
National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
Chia-Nien Chang
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Chun-Hsiung Chang
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Graphic Design
Chia-Nien Chang
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
I-Chen Huang
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Pei-Hsuan Kuan
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Wei-Chia Lu
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Fang-Chi Chang
Kuei-Chih Huang
Pi-Ju Lee
Sin-Hsuan Wu