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Comissão organizadora
- Emílio Carlos Nelli Silva
- Fernando Alves Rochinha
- Glaucio H. Paulino
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Outubro 2014 vol. 1 num. 1
13th International Symposium on Multiscale, Multifunctional and Functionally Graded Materials
Book of Abstracts
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.1
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.2
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.3
Abstract- Open Access
A Bio-Inspired, Cementitious Composite for High Energy Absorption
PDF - p.4
Abstract- Open Access
Biomimetic Design of Functionally Graded Ceramics for Enhance Performance
PDF - p.5
Abstract- Open Access
Cast Protective Coatings of Nano-Structured Polymetallic HEAs by Means of Centrifugal SHS Process
PDF - p.6
Abstract- Open Access
Growth-induced Material Gradient and Anisotropy of Bamboo
PDF - p.7
Abstract- Open Access
Dynamic Sliding Instability of Elastic Solids with a Functionally Graded Coating
PDF - p.8
Abstract- Open Access
Thermal Shock Behaviors of NbSi2/Nb/gamma-TiAl Intermetallic Compounds by Burner Heating Cycle Test
PDF - p.9
Abstract- Open Access
Periodic homogenization of SMA composites
PDF - p.10
Abstract- Open Access
On a Linear Constitutive Model in Peridynamics
PDF - p.11
Abstract- Open Access
Hierarchical Functional Grading of Enamel
PDF - p.12
Abstract- Open Access
Deformation Mechanisms at the Nanoscale in Magnesium Single Crystal
PDF - p.13
Abstract- Open Access
Elastic-plastic analysis for functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to internal pressure
PDF - p.14
Abstract- Open Access
Dynamic Properties of Density Graded Thin-Walled Metal Hollow Spheres
PDF - p.15
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.16
Abstract- Open Access
Accelerated Oxidation of MoSi2 Coating for Gamma-TiAl Intermetallic Compounds
PDF - p.17
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.18
Abstract- Open Access
The Ghost Solid Method Based Algorithms for Functionally Graded Materials
PDF - p.19
Abstract- Open Access
Foam Concrete Produced Applying Technology with Effect of Cavitation
PDF - p.20
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.21
Abstract- Open Access
A Review of Bamboo Inspired Materials
PDF - p.22
Abstract- Open Access
Nonlinear Concurrent Multiscale Modeling of Concrete
PDF - p.23
Abstract- Open Access
The use of reduced order models in the solution of inverse problems
PDF - p.24
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.25
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.26
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.27
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.28
Abstract- Open Access
Global sensitivity analysis in the identi cation of cohesive models using full- eld kinematic data
PDF - p.29
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.30
Abstract- Open Access
Unlocking Metamaterial Properties Through Multiscale Design
PDF - p.31
Abstract- Open Access
Trial Manufacture Of Functionally Graded Commutator Made From Copper And Resin
PDF - p.32
Abstract- Open Access
Additive manufacturing using Plasma transferred arc
PDF - p.33
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.34
Abstract- Open Access
Topological Sensitivity Analysis Applied to the Francfort-Marigo Damage Model
PDF - p.35
Abstract- Open Access
Non-destructive evaluation of ferromagnetic material using metal magnetic memory technique
PDF - p.36
Abstract- Open Access
Mechanical Properties of Human Bone Mimetic Titanium Structures with Spark Plasma Sintering Process
PDF - p.37
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.38
Abstract- Open Access
B4C and Fe-B Addition Influence on the Cavitation Resistance of the Plasma PTA Fe-Mn-Si Coating
PDF - p.39
Abstract- Open Access
Processing Strategic Coatings For Enhanced Performance Applications
PDF - p.40
Abstract- Open Access
Wave Propagation in Nanoscaled Quasi-periodic Layered Structures
PDF - p.41
Abstract- Open Access
Preparation Of C-axis-oriented YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconductive Films By Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition
PDF - p.42
Abstract- Open Access
Biocompatible Ti-based materials with graded porosity
PDF - p.43
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.44
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.45
Abstract- Open Access
Effect of microstructure on multifunctional properties of natural fiber composites
PDF - p.46
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.47
Abstract- Open Access
Topology Optimisation of Thermomechanical Functionally Graded Materials and Material Interfaces
PDF - p.48
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.49
Abstract- Open Access
A Hierarchy in Partial Di_x000B_erential Equations on Material Modeling
PDF - p.50-53
Abstract- Open Access
Multiphysics of Functionally Graded Smart Cylinders
PDF - p.54
Abstract- Open Access
Analytical and Numerical Simulation of Hyperelastic Two-Phase Periodic Laminates
PDF - p.55
Abstract- Open Access
A Blending Approach to Concurrently Couple Peridynamics and Classical Continuum Mechanics
PDF - p.56
Abstract- Open Access
Hybrid nanocomposites based on cellulose, chitin, and polylactic acid
PDF - p.57
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.58
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.59
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.60
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.61
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.62
Abstract- Open Access
Damage Evolution in Heterogeneous Materials via CZM-based Finite-Volume Theory
PDF - p.63
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.64
Abstract- Open Access
Multi-layered materials in Dentistry: current state
PDF - p.65
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.66
Abstract- Open Access
Multiscale Characterization of Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites
PDF - p.67
Abstract- Open Access
Processing of Large Area FGM-Tiles with Environmental Barrier Coating
PDF - p.68
Abstract- Open Access
Functionally graded refractory ceramics with dense surface coating
PDF - p.69
Abstract- Open Access
Field Assisted Chemical Strengthening of Glass to Generate a Compositional Gradient
PDF - p.70
Abstract- Open Access
How can peridynamics and damage mechanics work together to achieve objective simulation of failure?
PDF - p.71
Abstract- Open Access
Multiscale Modeling to Assess Effective Electromechanical Properties of Bone
PDF - p.72
Abstract- Open Access
Thermal response of random heterogeneous fgm plates
PDF - p.73
Abstract- Open Access
Multiscale effect of thermomechanical loads on the NbC-Steel microstructure obtained by SPS
PDF - p.74
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.75
Abstract- Open Access
Expansion, Contraction and Steady-State Dynamics in a Vibrated Granular System
PDF - p.76
Abstract- Open Access
Effect of Passivation on the Electrical Properties of Au/ Hg3In2Te6 Schottky Contact
PDF - p.77
Abstract- Open Access
Convex Topology Optimization for Hyperelastic Trusses Based on the Ground-Structure Approach
PDF - p.78
Abstract- Open Access
Bioinspired Design of Ceramic Dental Crowns
PDF - p.79
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.80
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.81
Abstract- Open Access
Microstructure Effects in Wavy-Multilayers with Viscoelastic Phases
PDF - p.82
Abstract- Open Access
Hardfacing Coatings With A Property Gradient
PDF - p.83
Abstract- Open Access
Simulation of hydraulic fracturing processes combining finite elements and lattice Boltzmann methods
PDF - p.84
Abstract- Open Access
Bioinspired reinforced rod buckling: from linear elastic behavior to localized failure
PDF - p.85
Abstract- Open Access
Image reconstruction of ultrasonic pulse-echo mode using regularization method
PDF - p.86
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.87
Abstract- Open Access
Large scale ground structure analysis using a scalable interior point algorithm
PDF - p.88
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.89
Abstract- Open Access
A Topology Optimization Formulation Applied to Highly Flexible Structures
PDF - p.90
Abstract- Open Access
High-performance, Reaction Sintered Lithium Disilicate Glass-ceramics
PDF - p.91
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.92
Abstract- Open Access
Spark plasma sintered Bi-2223: improving the microstructural features for practical applications
PDF - p.93
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.94
Abstract- Open Access
Deposition of cast Mo2NiB2-Ni metal-matrix composite coating by combined centrifugal SHS
PDF - p.95
Abstract- Open Access
From Butter to Bone Tissues: Assessing the Fracture Resistance via Scratch Testing
PDF - p.96
Abstract- Open Access
Nonlinear Theories of FGM Beams and Plates with Nonlocal and Strain Gradient Effects
PDF - p.97
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.98
Abstract- Open Access
PDF - p.99
Abstract- Open Access
Creation of Graded Microstructures by Thermal Nanoparticles Spraying
PDF - p.100
Abstract- Open Access
Strain Gauge Sensors Comprised Of Carbon Nanotube Yarn: Concept, Modeling and Fabrication
PDF - p.101
Full Article- Open Access
A Bio-inspired Cementitious Composite for High Energy Absorption in Infrastructural Applications
PDF - p.1-4
Full Article- Open Access
Cast Protective Coatings of Nano-Structured Polymetallic HEAs by Means of Centrifugal SHS Process
PDF - p.5-8
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.9-13
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.14-17
Full Article- Open Access
Sustainability in Beauty: A review and extension of Bamboo inspired materials
PDF - p.18-21
Full Article- Open Access
Nonlinear Concurrent Multiscale Modeling of Concrete
PDF - p.22-25
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.26-29
Full Article- Open Access
Microscopic Image-Based Finite Element Analysis of Porous Composite Cathode Microstructures
PDF - p.30-33
Full Article- Open Access
Influence of Plasma Nitriding Process in Wear Strength of the F53 Superduplex Stainless Steel
PDF - p.34-37
Full Article- Open Access
Microwear Behavior Study of Carburization and Ion Plasma Nitriding of P20 Steel
PDF - p.38-41
Full Article- Open Access
Unlocking Metamaterial Properties through Multiscale Design
PDF - p.42-45
Full Article- Open Access
Trial Manufacture of Functionally Graded Commutator Mado from Copper and Resin
PDF - p.46-49
Full Article- Open Access
B4C and Fe-B Addition Influence on the Cavitation Resistance of the Plasma PTA Fe-Mn-Si Coating
PDF - p.50-53
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.54-57
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.58-61
Full Article- Open Access
Effect of microstructure on multifunctional properties of natural fiber composites
PDF - p.62-65
Full Article- Open Access
Multiscale Characterization of Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites
PDF - p.66-69
Full Article- Open Access
Multiscale effect of thermomechanical loads on the NbC-Steel microstructure obtained by SPS
PDF - p.70-73
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.74-77
Full Article- Open Access
A Topology Optimization Formulation Applied to Highly Flexible Structures
PDF - p.78-81
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.82-85
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.86-89
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.90-93
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.94-97
Full Article- Open Access
Strain Gauge Sensor Comprised of Carbon Nanotube Yarn: Concept and Modeling
PDF - p.98-101
Full Article- Open Access
Design of Compliant Mechanism Considering Large Deformation using Topology Optimization Method
PDF - p.102-109
Full Article- Open Access
PDF - p.110-113
On behalf of the organizing committee of MM&FGM 2014, it is my great pleasure to invite you to the 13th International Symposium on Multiscale, Multifunctional and Functionally Graded Materials in Taua Resort, São Paulo, Brazil, from October 19-22, 2014. The MM & FGM 2014 gives the sequence of a series of 12 conferences of international scope, bringing together researchers and stakeholders working in the area of "Multiscale, Multifunctional and Functionally Graded Materials". The MM & FGM 2014 is supported by the "International Advisory Committee on Functionally Graded Materials (IACFGM)".
The objective of the MM&FGM2014 intends to provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and discussing state-of-the-art theories, techniques and applications in the fields of multiscale, multifunctional and functionally graded materials (MM&FGM), through invited lectures, oral and poster presentations.
Prof. Emílio Carlos Nelli Silva - Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Prof. Fernando Alves Rochinha - COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Glaucio H. Paulino - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Local Organizing Committee:
- Cicero Ribeiro de Lima (UFABC, Brazil)
- Holmer Savastano Junior (USP, Brazil)
- Izabel Fernanda Machado (Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo, Brazil);
- Ivan Fábio Mota de Menezes (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
- Jose Reinaldo Silva (Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo, Brazil)
- Ney Dumont (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
- Ronny Calixto Carbonari (UFABC, Brazil)
- Vanderley Moacyr John (Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo, Brazil)
International Scientific Committee
- Adeildo S. Ramos Júnior (UFAL, Brazil)
- Ana Sofia C. M. D´Oliveira (Federal University of Paraná, Brazil)
- Anthony D. Rosato (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
- Carlos Alberto de Almeida (PUC-Rio. Brazil)
- Damiano Pasini (McGill University, Canada)
- Eric de Sturler (Virginia Tech, USA)
- Eduardo de Morais Barreto Campello (Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo, Brazil)
- Eshan Dave (University of Minnesota Duluth, USA)
- Filipe Samuel Silva (University of Minho, Portugal)
- Gilles Lubineau (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
- Helder C. Rodrigues (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)
- J.N.Reddy (Texas A&M University, USA)
- Jing-Feng Li (Tsinghua University, China)
- José Antônio Eiras (Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil)
- Kiyotaka Matsuura (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- Kurt Maute (University of Colorado - Boulder, USA)
- Kyoungsoo Park (Yonsei University, Korea)
- Luis Augusto Rocha (UNESP, Brazil)
- Marco Alfano (University of Calabria, Italy)
- Marcílio Alves (Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo, Brazil)
- Martin L. Dunn (University of Colorado - Boulder, USA)
- Marek-Jerzy Pindera (Univ. of Virginia, USA)
- Paulo de Mattos Pimenta (Polytechnic School of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- Qing Li (The University of Sydney, Australia)
- Renato Pavanello (UNICAMP, Brazil)
- Serkan Dag (Middle East Technical Univ., Turkey)
- Severino P. Cavalcanti Marques (UFAL, Brazil)
- Soshu Kirihara (Osaka University, Japan)
- Yoshimi Watanabe (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
International Advisory Committee on FGM (IAFGM)
- Dr. Masayuki Niino - JAST (Foundation of Japan Aerospace Science & Technology), Japan
- Prof. Glaucio H. Paulino - University of Illinois, USA
- Prof. Omer Van Der Biest - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Akira Kawasaki - Tohoku University, Japan
Emeritus members:
- Prof. Emer. Wolfgang G.J. Bunk - Germany
Prof. Emer. Fazil Erdogan - Lehigh University, USA
Prof. Emer. Toshio Hirai - Japan
Other members:
Dr. Akinaga Kumakawa (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan)
- Prof. Chang-Chun Ge (University of Science and Technology, China)
- Prof. Emilio C.N.Silva (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- Prof. Evgeny Levashov (National University of Science and Technology, Russia)
- Prof. Fernando A. Rochinha (Federal University of Rio De Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil)
- Prof. Ichiro Shiota (Japan)
- Prof. Jeong-Ho Kim (University of Connecticut, USA)
- Prof. Jing-Feng Li (Tsinghua University, China)
- Prof. Kazuhiro Hasezaki (University of Tokushima, Japan)
- Prof. Kiyotaka Matsuura (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- Prof. Lianmeng Zhang (Wuhan University of Technology, China)
- Prof. Luis Augusto Rocha (UNESP, Brazil)
- Prof. Marek-Jerzy Pindera (University of Virginia, USA)
- Dr. Masayuki Niino (JAST (Foundation of Japan Aerospace Science & Technology), Japan)
- Prof. Michael M. Gasik (Aalto University Foundation, Finland)
- Prof. Monika Willert-Porada (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
- Prof. Qingjie Zhang (Wuhan University of Technology, China)
- Dr. Sasa Novak (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
- Assoc. Prof. Serkan Dag (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
- Prof. Soshu Kirihara (Osaka University, Japan)
- Prof. Takashi Goto (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Prof. Wei Pan (Tsinghua University, China)
- Dr. Yoshikazu Shinohara (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)
- Prof. Yoshimi Watanabe (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Prof. Zhangjian Zhou (University of Science and Technology, China)