- 18-20 de Noviembre de 2020
- Nov. 18-20, 2020
Site do evento
Comissão organizadora
- Juliana Restrepo Jaramillo (Chair)
- David A. Torreblanca-Díaz (Chair)
- Beatriz Elena Builes Restrepo
- Samuel Ricardo Vélez González
- Jairo Mauricio Velásquez Posada
- Andres Hernando Valencia Escobar
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Dezembro 2020 vol. 8 num. 4
Idioma principal | Segundo idioma
XXIV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics
XXIV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics
Mesa 1 - Teorías y prácticas de diseño en contextos digitales
1. Theories and design practices in digital contexts
Conference full papers- Open Access
Digital Fabrication: an Outlook from Digital Tectonics
Digital Fabrication: an Outlook from Digital Tectonics
PDF - p.3-8
Conference full papers- Open Access
Digital Fabrication Techniques: A systematic literature review
Digital Fabrication Techniques: A systematic literature review
PDF - p.9-16
Conference full papers- Open Access
Material-Based Design: Improving a Continuous Changing Praxis
Material-Based Design: Improving a Continuous Changing Praxis
PDF - p.17-22
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.23-30
Conference full papers- Open Access
Transformation as a production of meaning of the kinetic typographic form
Transformation as a production of meaning of the kinetic typographic form
PDF - p.31-39
Conference full papers- Open Access
Xenofutures: towards Design as Care-Cure
Xenofutures: towards Design as Care-Cure
PDF - p.40-45
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Imagining Futures: a Methodological Perspective for Digital Design
Imagining Futures: a Methodological Perspective for Digital Design
PDF - p.46-51
Conference full papers- Open Access
Healthcare Design Metrics for Human-Centric Building Analytics
Healthcare Design Metrics for Human-Centric Building Analytics
PDF - p.52-59
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PDF - p.60-66
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.67-72
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.73-80
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.81-88
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.89-96
Conference full papers- Open Access
INHABIT - information and service microarchitecture for University campus
INHABIT - information and service microarchitecture for University campus
PDF - p.97-103
Conference full papers- Open Access
Deciding together: a BIM-based platform for participative design processes
Deciding together: a BIM-based platform for participative design processes
PDF - p.104-111
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PDF - p.112-119
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.120-127
Conference full papers- Open Access
The operationalization of “A Pattern Language” by using network analysis tools
The operationalization of “A Pattern Language” by using network analysis tools
PDF - p.128-136
Mesa 2 - Morfogénesis, síntesis y análisis de las formas
2. Morphogenesis, synthesis and analysis of forms
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Dimensional mass customization of a flexible furniture system
Dimensional mass customization of a flexible furniture system
PDF - p.137-142
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PDF - p.143-148
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PDF - p.149-156
Conference full papers- Open Access
Tangential surfaces to optimize digital manufacturing of complex shapes
Tangential surfaces to optimize digital manufacturing of complex shapes
PDF - p.157-165
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Gridshells: integrating design with structural performance: formal and informal form finding
Gridshells: integrating design with structural performance: formal and informal form finding
PDF - p.166-173
Conference full papers- Open Access
Dialogue between Building Shape and Thermal Performance
Dialogue between Building Shape and Thermal Performance
PDF - p.174-179
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Form and urban life in Christopher Alexander's work: translation of patterns for parametric code
Form and urban life in Christopher Alexander's work: translation of patterns for parametric code
PDF - p.180-187
Conference full papers- Open Access
Gridshell structural evaluation criteria based on Upward and Downward Modeling Methods in Karamba3D
Gridshell structural evaluation criteria based on Upward and Downward Modeling Methods in Karamba3D
PDF - p.188-195
Conference full papers- Open Access
Bioclimatic generative design: energy optimizing skins
Bioclimatic generative design: energy optimizing skins
PDF - p.196-202
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PDF - p.203-208
Conference full papers- Open Access
Muta-soud: Architectural Configuration Generated from Music and Shape Grammars
Muta-soud: Architectural Configuration Generated from Music and Shape Grammars
PDF - p.209-216
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PDF - p.217-222
Conference full papers- Open Access
Space planning from environmental parameter
Space planning from environmental parameter
PDF - p.223-228
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PDF - p.229-237
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Modeling technique for vault-like structure generation through topological manipulation
Modeling technique for vault-like structure generation through topological manipulation
PDF - p.238-245
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Motivation-Based Performance Design in Early Predicted Building Water Use
Motivation-Based Performance Design in Early Predicted Building Water Use
PDF - p.246-253
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Automating Concrete Construction: Sustainable social housing in Colombia
Automating Concrete Construction: Sustainable social housing in Colombia
PDF - p.254-259
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Multi-Mission Space Exploration Vehicle (MMSEV) Nosecone Design Optimization
Multi-Mission Space Exploration Vehicle (MMSEV) Nosecone Design Optimization
PDF - p.260-266
Mesa 3 - Fabricación y construcción digital
3. Digital fabrication and construction
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PDF - p.267-274
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.275-282
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.283-290
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Workflow for a Timber Joinery Robotics
Workflow for a Timber Joinery Robotics
PDF - p.291-296
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BIM-modeling and programming of curved concrete walls for 3D-printed construction
BIM-modeling and programming of curved concrete walls for 3D-printed construction
PDF - p.297-305
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PDF - p.306-311
Conference full papers- Open Access
Robotic Sketching: A Study on Robotic Clay 3D Printing
Robotic Sketching: A Study on Robotic Clay 3D Printing
PDF - p.312-319
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PDF - p.320-325
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PDF - p.326-333
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.334-342
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.343-348
Conference full papers- Open Access
SISCOM: Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems in Construction
SISCOM: Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems in Construction
PDF - p.349-356
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PDF - p.357-362
Conference full papers- Open Access
Robotic Adaptations for Building Works; assembly of concrete blocks “stay-in-place” with robots
Robotic Adaptations for Building Works; assembly of concrete blocks “stay-in-place” with robots
PDF - p.363-370
Conference full papers- Open Access
Flexible multi-scalar system: 3D printing of modular components for adaptable tensioned structures
Flexible multi-scalar system: 3D printing of modular components for adaptable tensioned structures
PDF - p.371-376
Conference full papers- Open Access
Robotic Fabrication of Sustainable Hybrid Formwork with Clay and Foam for Concrete Casting
Robotic Fabrication of Sustainable Hybrid Formwork with Clay and Foam for Concrete Casting
PDF - p.377-383
Mesa 4 - Información, modelos y simulaciones
4. Information, models and simulations
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PDF - p.384-391
Conference full papers- Open Access
BIM and IoT for the AEC Industry: A systematic literature mapping
BIM and IoT for the AEC Industry: A systematic literature mapping
PDF - p.392-399
Conference full papers- Open Access
Pneumatic Structure with Kinetic Sub-system: A Proposal for Extraterrestrial Life
Pneumatic Structure with Kinetic Sub-system: A Proposal for Extraterrestrial Life
PDF - p.400-405
Conference full papers- Open Access
Blockchain Grammars for Validating the Design Process
Blockchain Grammars for Validating the Design Process
PDF - p.406-411
Conference full papers- Open Access
A simulation model for building use re-thinking after the COVID-19 emergency
A simulation model for building use re-thinking after the COVID-19 emergency
PDF - p.412-417
Conference full papers- Open Access
CAPTURING THE ENVIRONMENT: using photogrammetry to register the built environment for simulation
CAPTURING THE ENVIRONMENT: using photogrammetry to register the built environment for simulation
PDF - p.418-424
Conference full papers- Open Access
Comparative study of the photogrammetry process in different hardware
Comparative study of the photogrammetry process in different hardware
PDF - p.425-432
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Spatial analysis to create a walkability index. Case study: San Juan Street, Medellín
Spatial analysis to create a walkability index. Case study: San Juan Street, Medellín
PDF - p.433-440
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PDF - p.441-448
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PDF - p.449-454
Conference full papers- Open Access
Urban modelling for evaluating photovoltaic potential through solar radiation incidence
Urban modelling for evaluating photovoltaic potential through solar radiation incidence
PDF - p.455-463
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PDF - p.464-469
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.470-477
Conference full papers- Open Access
Grey Boxes to Control? Cybernetic Surveillance in Urban Design
Grey Boxes to Control? Cybernetic Surveillance in Urban Design
PDF - p.478-483
Conference full papers- Open Access
The Privacy of the Academic Community in Mapping Usage Patterns over Wi-Fi Connections
The Privacy of the Academic Community in Mapping Usage Patterns over Wi-Fi Connections
PDF - p.484-489
Conference full papers- Open Access
Standardization of Airport Architectural Design Projects BIM-based for Code Checking
Standardization of Airport Architectural Design Projects BIM-based for Code Checking
PDF - p.490-498
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PDF - p.499-507
Conference full papers- Open Access
BIM Maturity Index: Analysis and Comparison of Architecture Office’s BIM Performance in Porto Alegre
BIM Maturity Index: Analysis and Comparison of Architecture Office’s BIM Performance in Porto Alegre
PDF - p.508-515
Conference full papers- Open Access
A data-driven approach to inform planning process in informal settlements
A data-driven approach to inform planning process in informal settlements
PDF - p.516-521
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PDF - p.522-527
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PDF - p.528-533
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PDF - p.534-540
Mesa 5 - Interfaces y dispositivos
5. Interfaces and devices
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PDF - p.541-548
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PDF - p.549-554
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App for analysis and development of products with environmental quality
App for analysis and development of products with environmental quality
PDF - p.555-562
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PDF - p.563-568
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PDF - p.569-576
Conference full papers- Open Access
Design of a Virtual Reality device to motivate experiences of meaningful learning
Design of a Virtual Reality device to motivate experiences of meaningful learning
PDF - p.577-585
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PDF - p.586-593
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.594-599
Conference full papers- Open Access
3D Printed Responsive Wood Interfaces: Shape-Changing Origami-Inspired Prototypes
3D Printed Responsive Wood Interfaces: Shape-Changing Origami-Inspired Prototypes
PDF - p.600-607
Conference full papers- Open Access
Robotic Apprentices: Leveraging Augmented Reality for Robot Training in Manufacturing Automation
Robotic Apprentices: Leveraging Augmented Reality for Robot Training in Manufacturing Automation
PDF - p.608-614
Mesa 6 - Enseñanza e investigación en contextos digitales
6. Teaching and research in digital contexts
Conference full papers- Open Access
Structural Flexibility and Space Articulation in Architectural Design Teaching
Structural Flexibility and Space Articulation in Architectural Design Teaching
PDF - p.615-620
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PDF - p.621-626
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PDF - p.627-634
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PDF - p.635-642
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.643-651
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.652-659
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.660-667
Conference full papers- Open Access
Measuring the experience of algorithmic thought digital analogue design in architecture teaching
Measuring the experience of algorithmic thought digital analogue design in architecture teaching
PDF - p.668-675
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PDF - p.676-682
Conference full papers- Open Access
How does AI affect higher design education? An investigation to open the debate
How does AI affect higher design education? An investigation to open the debate
PDF - p.683-688
Conference full papers- Open Access
BIM in a Junior Enterprise of a Brazilian University: Application and Analysis
BIM in a Junior Enterprise of a Brazilian University: Application and Analysis
PDF - p.689-696
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PDF - p.697-704
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.705-712
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PDF - p.713-719
Conference full papers- Open Access
A Teaching Methodology for Parametric Design: A Case Study with Parametric Bench
A Teaching Methodology for Parametric Design: A Case Study with Parametric Bench
PDF - p.720-725
Conference full papers- Open Access
The Forms of Representation in Architectural Design Teaching: The cases of AUIC-POLIMI and FAUP
The Forms of Representation in Architectural Design Teaching: The cases of AUIC-POLIMI and FAUP
PDF - p.726-733
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PDF - p.734-741
Conference full papers- Open Access
FAVLAB II: digital fabrication in Favela da Maré, Rio de Janeiro
FAVLAB II: digital fabrication in Favela da Maré, Rio de Janeiro
PDF - p.742-749
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PDF - p.750-757
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.758-766
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.767-774
Conference full papers- Open Access
PDF - p.775-782
Conference full papers- Open Access
Parametric modeling as a supporting tool for teaching in a technical drawing course
Parametric modeling as a supporting tool for teaching in a technical drawing course
PDF - p.783-790
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PDF - p.791-798
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PDF - p.799-807
Mesa 7 - Industrias creativas y prácticas artísticas
7. Creative industries and artistic practices
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Techno-aesthetic spaces of fiction: Lapsus Trópicus and the Anthropocene dialetic
Techno-aesthetic spaces of fiction: Lapsus Trópicus and the Anthropocene dialetic
PDF - p.808-815
Conference full papers- Open Access
Field of lines. From architecture to art, and back
Field of lines. From architecture to art, and back
PDF - p.816-823
Conference full papers- Open Access
Convergences about the river. Transmedia Narrative for cultural identity
Convergences about the river. Transmedia Narrative for cultural identity
PDF - p.824-829
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PDF - p.830-838
Mesa 8 - Biomimética y diseño bioinspirado
8. Biomimetics and bioinspired design
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Biomimicry: an approach from the CumInCAD database
Biomimicry: an approach from the CumInCAD database
PDF - p.839-846
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PDF - p.847-854
Conference full papers- Open Access
Bio-mimetic design for architecture built by 3D robotic printing
Bio-mimetic design for architecture built by 3D robotic printing
PDF - p.855-862
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Morpho-Active Materials: Fabricating auxetic structures with bioinspired behavior
Morpho-Active Materials: Fabricating auxetic structures with bioinspired behavior
PDF - p.863-869
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Bioinformed Design of Dynamic Tensegrity Units
Bioinformed Design of Dynamic Tensegrity Units
PDF - p.870-877
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The 3d printing fabrication of cellular solids structures and its use in architecture
The 3d printing fabrication of cellular solids structures and its use in architecture
PDF - p.878-885
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PDF - p.886-893
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PDF - p.894-902
Mesa 9 - Tecnologías, diseño y sostenibilidad
9. Technologies, design and sustainability
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Domestic spaces design for allow income housing
Domestic spaces design for allow income housing
PDF - p.903-911
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Design, construction and validation of an all-terrain wheelchair in magnesium alloys
Design, construction and validation of an all-terrain wheelchair in magnesium alloys
PDF - p.912-917
Conference full papers- Open Access
Digital Sunflower: the potential of eco-oriented responsivity in the design process
Digital Sunflower: the potential of eco-oriented responsivity in the design process
PDF - p.918-923
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Sustainable scenarios for and in university education: design of sustainable products
Sustainable scenarios for and in university education: design of sustainable products
PDF - p.924-929
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PDF - p.930-938
Conference full papers- Open Access
Cooking Objects: Bio-Digital Material Driven Design Methodology
Cooking Objects: Bio-Digital Material Driven Design Methodology
PDF - p.939-944
Conference full papers- Open Access
Responsive Surface Design to Reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHI)
Responsive Surface Design to Reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHI)
PDF - p.945-952
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PDF - p.953-961
Conference full papers- Open Access
Recipes for Waste-Tooling: Using Food Waste in Design
Recipes for Waste-Tooling: Using Food Waste in Design
PDF - p.962-967
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PDF - p.968-974
Conference full papers- Open Access
Urban Mobility and Database Allied to Environmental Regeneration of a University Campus
Urban Mobility and Database Allied to Environmental Regeneration of a University Campus
PDF - p.975-982
Conference full papers- Open Access
Indicators for Urban Green (IUG): Proposal for a Computational Implementation
Indicators for Urban Green (IUG): Proposal for a Computational Implementation
PDF - p.983-990
Conference full papers- Open Access
Spatiotemporal Modeling of COVID-19 Spread in Built Environments
Spatiotemporal Modeling of COVID-19 Spread in Built Environments
PDF - p.991-996
Conference full papers- Open Access
URBAN ARTEFACT, Protocell for the activation of abandoned public spaces in degraded neighborhoods
URBAN ARTEFACT, Protocell for the activation of abandoned public spaces in degraded neighborhoods
PDF - p.997-1004