Andrew John Wit
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Article - Open Access
Towards an Intelligent Architecture: Creating Adaptive Building Systems for Inhabitation
PDF - p.328-332
Artigo Completo - Open Access
Redefining the Parametric Pedagogy.
XIX Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-americana de Gráfica Digital 2015, Novembro 2015 , vol.2, num.3
PDF - p.713-718
Resumo - Open Access
Investigations in Robotic Urbanism
XIX Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-americana de Gráfica Digital 2015, Novembro 2015 , vol.2, num.3
PDF - p.761-766
Article - Open Access
cloudMAGNET A prototype for climatically active light-weight skins
PDF - p.1387-1396
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