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Abstract - Open Access
I International Symposium in Neuroscience Meeting, Janeiro 2014 , vol.1, num.1
PDF - p.12-12
Abstract - Open Access
SCNS.03. Isorsobide dinitrate effects in a model of depressive-like behavior induced by LPS in mice
I International Symposium in Neuroscience Meeting, Janeiro 2014 , vol.1, num.1
PDF - p.13-13
Abstract - Open Access
SCMS.04. Effect of sodium nitrite in a model of depressive-like behavior induced by LPS in mice
I International Symposium in Neuroscience Meeting, Janeiro 2014 , vol.1, num.1
PDF - p.14-14
Abstract - Open Access
SCNS. 09. Pre-clinical evidence of antimaniac action by angiotensin II receptor blocker.
I International Symposium in Neuroscience Meeting, Janeiro 2014 , vol.1, num.1
PDF - p.19-19
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